Year 4 Newsletter 27.11.20

Living our Values

“One of the hallmarks of social wellness is being inclusive, not exclusive, with our friendship.” - Laurie Buchanan.

Upcoming Events

EventDateLocationWho's Involved
Primary Term 1 Reports Published18.12.20Primary SchoolPrimary School
Christmas Spirit Day18.12.20Whole SchoolPatana Community
Final Day of Term 1B18.12.20Whole SchoolPatana Community


Term 1A

Please visit our Curriculum Pages for more information about learning in Year 4.

Primary Residential Workshop

It was lovely to see some parents at the Y4 residential workshop. 

If you were unable to attend please visit the Y4 Residential Blog to find all the information with parents.

Should you have any further questions please email Mr Alex Lowe -

PE - Lifesaving and Water Safety

Please can all swimmers bring PJ’s or a light long sleeve top and shorts to their normal swimming lesson next week (week beginning Monday 30th November). 

 All students will be learning vital lifesaving and water safety skills, wearing these clothes over the top of their swim kits.  Therefore please do not forget to bring your actual swim kits to the lesson as well!


Super Sports Day 2020

Global Citizenship

SEC - Student Environmental Council

The Primary SEC respresentatives shared a presentation this week about projects they are undertaking in school. The Y4 students were excited by these and were especially keen to recycle their old T-shirts to make re-useable bags.

This video shows how they can do this if they would like to try it at home:


Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2020

Next Wednesday the Year 4 student councillors will present an assembly about our Christmas shoebox appeal for the children in the Lua Tribe in Northern Thailand. Last year we also donated to them and they were extremely grateful.

This year we would like to do it differently so instead of filling a box and sending it in, we are asking for empty shoe boxes. Each class will then bring in different items to fill the boxes and the children will fill, wrap and decorate the boxes later this month. This year we thought it would be nice if the children prepare the boxes themselves.

There will also be extra boxes in the shared area for any extra donations of the above items so we can make as many boxes as possible. Thanks for your help.

4W Toothpaste and brushes

4D Soap, Face cloth

4L Notebooks

4F Coloured pencils

4C Hair care, hair bands , clips

4T Soft toy

4K Bracelets / toy cars

4A Shampoo / body wash

For more information. Please contact Miss Tracey.

General Information


The following students are celebrating birthdays this week. Happy Birthday from everyone in Year 4:

Nattakon [Glar] (4L)

Thidapha [Angie] (4C)

We are now able to celebrate the children’s birthdays with them, as long as we follow these requirements:

- Individualised treats (cupcakes, donuts, etc) can be brought in either at the start of the day or the end of the day -  teachers will not be able to cut pieces of cake to be given out

- No Nuts! Please ensure that any food items sent in do not contain nuts, or any traces of nuts. Please check the ingredients.

- No candles

Please liaise directly with your child’s class teacher to inform them if you will be bringing in treats for your child’s birthday.


CIS Survey

Please help the school by completing the 2020 CIS survey using this link.

All surveys must be completed by Monday 30th November.


Thank you very much for your help.

Parking on Campus - stickers required

From the start of Term 2, only vehicles with a blue Patana Sticker will be allowed on to the main campus.

Cars with no Patana Sticker must be parked over the road at the Sports Complex car park.

If your car does not yet have a Patana Sticker, please visit Reception and register your car.

Right to Read

Right to Read is a CAT club ran by secondary students who would like to support the education of underprivileged children in Bangkok.

We are currently running a book drive - in the hope of providing donations to local Thai schools and organizations later on in the academic year. So far, we have ran the drive in secondary only, and are now looking to extend our event to primary as well!

Lost Property

Parents and children are encouraged to search lost property before purchasing replacement items.

Please visit or scan the code and log in.


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 4 Rep

Primary Rep
Amelie Buysschaert

Year Group Leaders
Mr David Walton

Mrs Dominique Chandler

Mr Alex Lowe

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