Year 4 Newsletter 27-9-19

Living our Values

We are Kind and Compassionate

Even in the fun of Minecraft, it's so great to see students happy to leave their own game to teach and support others.

Upcoming Events

Event         Date     LocationWho's Involved
Inter-class Basketball 1.10.19Primary Hard Court - during one hour PE sessionY4 classes- parents welcome
Tiger Spirit Day 4.10.19
All students dress up
3 Way Conferences 16.10.19 and 17.10.19Y4 classrooms - 12:50-5:00 p.m. Students and parents 
End of Term 1A18.10.19


There have been a number of students curious about using a website that we use in school for five minute guided meditation sessions.  

The site is  

We like this one because the options are broken down into age groups.  There are also some lovely follow up activities that your child may be keen to do at home.  Your child would need your help and permission to set up an account as it requires an email address.  It is also available as an app if your child has their own device.  

If you have any questions, please do ask Miss Kerry.  


We will be celebrating the students' learning in basketball on Tuesday 1st October during normal PE lesson times:

4A, 4T,4C and 4K start at 7.40am – 8.40am

4L, 4H, 4D and 4B start at 8.45am – 9.45am

We will have inter-class colours again this year.  Your child can wear a shirt that is mainly the colour below.  If they do not have one, there are bibs that they can borrow.  They wear their normal PE shorts and trainers as well.  

Class Colour 
4K - Miss KerryOrange 
4H - Miss Hannah Red
4T - Miss Tracey Green 
4A - Miss Jade Blue 
4D - Mrs DallasWhite 
4L - Mr Alex Grey 
4B - Mr BartYellow 
4C - Miss Dominique Black

Please make sure your child comes to school dressed for the event and has their school uniform in their bag to change into.  The tournament will take place in the Sports Hall.

We look forward to seeing students and supporters at the first Year 4 tournament of the year!

Parent Home Language Helpers

We are looking for parents who would like to be Home Language Helpers (PHLH). The PHLH will help to create opportunities for learners to experience their Home Language within their learning. This means that you could volunteer to use your Home Language to read a book with learners who speak the same language, or to spend time in the learning environment exploring and discovering in your native tongue. If you are interested in joining, please add your name to our Parent Home Language Helper database here or contact Ondine at if you have any questions.

Global Citizenship

Our student council are preparing our classes for Tiger Spirit Day.  We will be buddying up with the Y1s to produce a positive message on a rock, similar to last year.  This time, Y4s are the mentors!  

Our SEC are hard at work providing classrooms with recycling stations so that no paper goes into the bin unused.  

Tiger Spirit Day - Friday 4th October

What will you write on your rock?

  • Raise your 100 baht by doing something helpful around your home.
  • Wear something orange and black!

The money raised from Tiger Spirit Day will support children’s projects in Thailand.


Our only student with a birthday this week is Hanson (4D) who will be celebrating on the 2nd October.  

We hope you have a super day!

General Information

International Day - Country Spotlight

International Day will take place on Friday 1st November.

In the weeks leading up to International Day, our PTG has organised a wide range of Country Spotlights to help students learn more about a specific country or culture.

Unless otherwise stated, all activities will take place next to the Primary Snack Bar during the lunch period.

Week of Sept 30th – Oct 4th

Italy Oct 2nd Come visit the Italy Spotlight stand and take home your own decorated pizza.

UK Oct 3rd Take home a picture in a London/UK themed photo booth at the UK Spotlight stand.

Malaysia Oct 3rd Make traditional desserts and a bookmark to take home.

USA Oct 4th Join Team USA on the basketball courts to practice shooting skills/learn fun facts about the US.

Week of Oct 7th – Oct 11th

China Oct 8th Learn about ‘Kindness, Luck and Fun’ by making fan shape bookmarks, good luck knot charms and by playing a Chinese shuttle kicking game.

Singapore Oct 8th Come play Singaporean traditional games Kuti Kuti, Fives Stones and Capteh.

Make a pop-up of the Singapore skyline at the Singapore Spotlight stand.

Argentina Oct 9th Learn about Argentina’s national symbols, play cultural games and paint.

Thailand Oct 9th Take part in a Thai traditional toy festival at the Thai Spotlight stand.

Taiwan Oct 10th Try some Chinese Calligraphy Writing and learn about Taiwanese geography whilst throwing bean sacks and play a matching game to find out facts about Taiwan.

Mongolia Oct 11th Come to the Mongolia Spotlight stand to learn more about their country and culture.

South Africa Oct 11th Learn about South African culture and traditions at the South Africa Spotlight stand today.

Week of Oct 14th – Oct 18th

Germany Oct 15th Celebrate the 30 year anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall at the Germany Spotlight stand.

India Oct 15th Visit the India Spotlight stand to make your own diya, an oil lamp, made of clay, used across India to mark festivals, religious rituals and special occasions. The light of the diya symbolizes knowledge, goodness and purity in Indian culture.

Come along to the PTG BIG NIGHT OUT!

Date: Friday 4th of October from 7 p.m. to midnight.

Location: The House on Sathorn, W Hotel.

Tickets go on sale 4th of September at the Tiger shop.


DepartmentContact Number Email 
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 4 Rep
Ja Hemakul

Primary Rep
Jayne Harvey
Year Group Leaders
Ms Kerry Meaden-Kendrick

Ms Dominique Chandler

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