Year 4 Newsletter 22-11-19

Living our Values

We are motivated and engaged!

Upcoming Events

Event         Date     LocationWho's Involved
Year 4 Sports Day 26.11.19
Back field (near Y5/6 and hard court)Year 4 students- parents welcome 
Whole School 'Non-Fiction' Dress Up Day 29.11.19
All staff and students to dress up
King Rama IX Day 5.12.19School closed 


Your child will need to bring their toothbrush to school for their science session next week.  If they have a preferred brand of toothpaste, please send that in with them too.  

Global Citizenship

This week the Year 4 student council members presented an assembly about our Christmas shoe-box appeal for the children in the Lua Tribe in Northern Thailand. Last year we also donated to them and they were very grateful.

This year we would like to do it differently so instead of filling a box and sending it in, we are asking for empty shoe boxes. Each class will then bring in different items to fill the boxes and the children will fill, wrap and decorate the boxes later this month. This means the children are preparing everything instead of just asking mum or dad to do it.

There will also be extra boxes in the shared area for any extra donations of the above items so we can make as many boxes as possible.

Get your Patana Primary School Cookbook NOW!!!

Price: 300 Baht

Order form:

Final date to order: 25th November

Pick-up and pay before the end of term 1!!!


4A Daniel 24-November 
4H Arnav 26-November
4L Hudson 27-November
4B Zhidi [Max] 28-November
4B Shawn [Shawnie] 28-November

Happy birthday to all of you- we hope you have a super day.  

General Information

The Young Americans

International School Bangkok will be hosting workshops in music, dance and performance to students from 6 to 18 years old. The workshops are offering by the Young Americans on 25 – 26 January 2020. For more detail, please click here.

DepartmentContact Number Email 
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 4 Rep
Ja Hemakul

Primary Rep
Jayne Harvey
Year Group Leaders
Ms Kerry Meaden-Kendrick

Ms Dominique Chandler

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