Year 4 Newsletter 29-11-19

Living our Values

We are motivated and engaged!

Today we had a visit from Jeab, Totti's mum, who is a pediatric dentist. She shared lots about teeth and teeth care information with the children. There was lots of new learning in this for us, following on from our investigation into what causes the most plaque. Did you know that you should wait for 30 minutes after eating before you brush your teeth?

We learned that the toothbrush needs to be 90 degrees to the tooth and that you should count to 20 when brushing each side of the tooth. That is a LOT of brushing time. Despite the normal message being two minutes, we learned today that a proper tooth brushing session working in this way should take between two and four minutes!

Huge thanks to Jeab for her time and sharing her expertise with the students!

Upcoming Events

Event         Date     LocationWho's Involved
King Rama IX Day 5.12.19School closed 
Christmas Concert 11.12.19Theatre 
Campus Christmas Assembly 13.12.19Sports Hall 


Message from the PE team

For the last 2 weeks of term, Year 4 will be taking part in slightly different activities during their PE lessons, as part of a “Personal Challenge” mini unit. For their Swimming lessons, students will need to bring in loose fitted long sleeved top and shorts /Pajamas (PJ’s) to wear as part of their lifesaving lesson.

Please read the information below so that your child is prepared for each lesson's activity.

Tuesday 3rd December:

4A, 4K, 4H and 4B – Swimming lesson as normal. Please bring PJ’s to wear over swimming costume !

4T, 4C, 4L and 4D – 3 Star Challenge – see below for what kit to bring. PE kit, scooters and or swim kit to be brought in if these options have been chosen.

Tuesday 10th December:

No swimming lesson for 4A, 4K, 4H and 4B.

All students will need Patana PE kit and trainers.

Thursday 12th December

4T, 4C, 4L and 4D – Swimming lesson as normal. Please bring PJ’s to wear over swimming costume !

4A, 4K, 4H and 4B– 3 Star Challenge – see below for what kit to bring. PE kit, scooters and or swim kit to be brought in if this option has been chosen.

Students will take on a 3 Star Challenge, and will have the option to swim, run, and/or scoot to complete a set distance.

Your child may choose one, two or even all 3 options! So please assist them in ensuring that they have everything they need to complete their challenge.

Please note that students choosing the “scoot” option will need to bring in their own scooter.

Helmets are compulsory for the “scoot” option. Elbow/knee pads and additional protection is welcome.

School buses can only accommodate scooters which can FOLD UP, therefore rigid or large scooters will not be accepted if your child comes to school via Patana minivans.

Scooters can be stored in the sports hall during the day, but only if they are clearly labelled with your child’s name and class. These must be dropped off before school, and collected at the end of the day. Scooters will not be allowed during playtime or lunchtimes.  

Students choosing the “Swim” option should bring in a black swimsuit, swim hat, goggles and a towel (rash-vest optional).

We look forward to seeing your child have fun and challenge themselves in PE next week!

Global Citizenship

Thanks so very much for what you have sent in for our shoe-box appeal.  The student council has begun to get things ready for the boxes to be packed.  It's not too late to send things in.  

We are still short of a few items so if you have not donated yet, we would really appreciate some water bottles, reusable bags, small soft toys, shampoo, shower gel (any brand or size) and small towels. Remember all items should be new and unused.

Many thanks for your support!


Today we have Nannapas (Chacha), 4T, celebrating and on December 1st, William (4T) will also be celebrating.  Happy birthday to you both- we hope you have a wonderful day.  

General Information

School Photographs - Thursday 9th- Friday 17th January 

Please make a note of the date and time for your child's class and individual photographs.  

Class Date Time 
4CFriday 10th January1:05 p.m.
4TFriday 10th January 1:30 p.m.
4AWednesday 15th January11:30 a.m.
4BFriday 17th January 8:45 a.m.
4L Friday 17th January 9:15 a.m.
4H Friday 17th January 10:05 a.m.
4DFriday 17th January10:40 a.m.
4K Friday 17th January 11:10 a.m. 

The Young Americans

International School Bangkok will be hosting workshops in music, dance and performance to students from 6 to 18 years old. The workshops are offering by the Young Americans on 25 – 26 January 2020. For more detail, please click here.

DepartmentContact Number Email 
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 4 Rep
Ja Hemakul

Primary Rep
Jayne Harvey
Year Group Leaders
Ms Kerry Meaden-Kendrick

Ms Dominique Chandler

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