Year 4 newsletter 20.01.23

Happy Lunar New Year!

We are inquisitive and creative 

This week in Year 4, our new shared area was revealed. 

This term, we will be 'digging in the dirt', exploring different eras from history and finding out how artefacts left behind by people in the past can help us to learn more about their lives. 

Therefore, our shared area has become a dig site, complete with babbling brook and fossil filled sand pits. 

A note from the principal 

Dear parents,

This week, it has been wonderful to celebrate the Lunar New Year with our community. When I lived in Hong Kong, this was always a time of the year when the temperatures dropped and we would go out to the special celebrations in our winter coats! One time, there was even frost and icicles where I lived in South Lantau.

Our Lunar New Year assembly today was a little warmer but just as special. It was quite the sight to see everyone in costume and the colours red and gold. From the Library, I picked up a book on all the Lunar New Year celebrations and have enjoyed talking with the students about the Spring Festival Chun Jie, Tet, Seollal, Diwali and Songkran.

A very happy Lunar New Year to all our community.

Proud of you Patana!

Sarah McCormack


                                                  A note from Ms Battram:

                                        Residential ups and downs are normal!

When we take students on their first Residential, it can be hard to know who is the more nervous, the children or their parents. I am always proud of our Patana parents, especially our ‘first timers’, when they manage to wave their child off with an encouraging smile.

Of course, we want every student to arrive back home with funny and exciting stories to share. There will always be many, many more happy moments than sad ones, but this might not be what you first get to hear about.

Your child may have felt homesick on their first night. They may have had a falling out with a friend with unkind things said. Children who need time on their own may have found the constant presence of others an unexpected source of stress. Their talent show plans may have gone terribly, terribly wrong!

Some children bounce back from setbacks very quickly whilst others will need help to put things in perspective. If your child does come back with a story that genuinely worries you, please contact the class teacher so that we can support.

                                              A note from Ms Laura:

Dear parents and carers of Year 4,

It is not long before Year 4 depart on their residential trip to Hua Hin. All the children have shown great excitement in school and staff are equally looking forward to attending residential this year after the hiatus due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

If you wish to speak to the school nurse about the management of your child's health condition for the residential trips, Nurse Joe is offering appointments to discuss this. Please do drop her an email to arrange a time

Furthermore, please ensure that any medications prescribed or bought over the counter for use during the trip are given to Nurse Joe 1-2 weeks prior to the trip where possible.

Any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Kindest regards,

Ms Laura  

If you need any more information please see our blog. Don't forget to sign up and practice for the Bangkok Patana's Year 4 Talent show!


Upcoming events and dates for your diary

DateEventWho is involved?Notes
27th JanuaryBlock B ECAs finish

31st January- 3rd FebruaryWeek 1 residential (4D, 4R, 4H, 4F)

7th- 10th February Week 2 residential (4W, 4T, 4N, 4A)

13th FebruaryBlock C ECAs begin

15th FebruarySchool Photo catch up day

20th-24th FebruaryHalf term

School photographs

These will begin next week. Your child will have an individual photo taken as well as a class photo. The schedule for the Y4 classes is as follows:

Monday 16th - 4D, 4A and 4R

Thursday 19th- 4W

Monday 23rd - 4F, 4N, 4T, 4H

If your child normally wears their PE kit to school on that day, please make sure that they bring their school uniform. We will provide time for them to change after the photos have been taken. Black school shoes should also be worn.

PTG Get Together

General Information

Dance academy presents – Tiger Cats Challenge and Adjudicated Showcase 2023, school’s first dance competition style event! While many of our dancers have already signed up, we are still inviting in sign-ups for the solo and duet categories. This event will take place on the Thursday 16th February at the Rosamund Suetzel Theatre between 1PM- 5PM.. Professional adjudicators have been invited to judge the competition and some spectacular dance performances by external dance crews are to be expected as well! You do not have to be enrolled in dance ECAs to participate in this competition. All dance styles are welcome. If you have any questions, please write to us at

To sign up for solo category click this link. To sign up for duet category please click this. Please make sure to sign up by Monday 23rd January.

If you wish to sign up, please request additional information about competition rules by emailing us at before starting preparation

Dance Extravanganza

The Dance Academy is now inviting sign-ups for their annual Dance Showcase – The Dance Extravaganza 2023. The event will be held on Monday June 12th at the Rosemund Suetzel theatre. Previous dance experience isn’t required, and all primary and secondary students are welcome to join. To sign up, please use the parent gateway and sign up for the Dance extravaganza ECAs. The preparations begin in Block C and continue until the end of Block D. Please use this link to watch the videos from Dance Extravaganza 2022. Dance Extravaganza videos 2022. This year, we will be exploring the concept of ‘Freedom’ through dance, movement, music, and emotional expression.

Learning In Year 4

Term 2A- Digging in the Dirt!

For more information please visit our Year 4 Curriculum Page.

                                                         PE- Term 2

Here is the timetable for PE in Year 4, Term 2.

Important reminder! All students will be learning Teeball in Term 2. Football boots are required for this unit. 

As Year 4 PE lessons are before break time, the children can arrive at school in their PE kits (or swimming kits underneath their PE kits). They will then need to change into their uniforms at the end of the PE lesson.


                     The following students are celebrating their

                                        birthdays this week:

                                              Ronan, 4N

                                              Carla, 4N

                             We wish you a very happy birthday!


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258
Transport02 785 2470
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785 2231
Year 4 Rep - Ashmeet Narula

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla

Year Group Leaders
Ms Sarah Weaver

Ms Dominique Chandler

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