Year 4 Newsletter 11.09.20

Living our Values

We are motivated and engaged.

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” - Winston Churchill

Upcoming Events

EventDateLocationWho's Involved
ECA Block One starts07.09.20
School Closed - Long weekend18.09.20Whole SchoolPatana Community
Interclass Basketball during PE Lessons29.09.20Primary Hard CourtY4 Students
Tiger Spirit Day09.10.20Primary SchoolPatana Community
King Rama IX Memorial Day (School Closed)13.10.20Whole SchoolPatana Community
Y4 Swimming Gala (TBC)15.10.2050m PoolY4 Students
Final Day of Term 1A16.10.20Whole SchoolPatana Community
Academic Staff CPL Day (School Closed)26.10.20Whole SchoolPatana Community
Academic Staff CPL Day (School Closed)27.10.20Whole SchoolPatana Community
School Reopens for Term 1B28.10.20Whole SchoolPatana Community



In PSHE we are now learning to celebrate the differences within our community and across the world. The students will reflect on how they and others are completely unique and how they can be inclusive within our diverse community.

End of day timings from Monday 14th September

From Monday 14th September, departure times from year groups will revert back to 2:30 for all students.

If you are collecting a child at the end of the school day, please note that departure times for different year groups will no longer be staggered.

All Primary students going home by private transport will still exit between the Arts Centre and the FS Building.

Y3 Teachers will continue to walk their classes down to meet their parent/carer.

Saturday Football ECA (Years 1-9)

Sessions run from 8am - 10am for Years 3 upwards and 8am - 9.30am for Years 1 & 2.

Please click at the following link for more information


Term 1A

Please visit our Curriculum Pages for more information about learning in Year 4.


Today the students began their learning journey into our new theme - 'Chocolate'. 

Please visit our class blogs to see what happened.

We would love to hear from YOU!

If you are someone that is connected to chocolate through your employment in some sort of way, and you think your experiences might be interesting or beneficial to our learning please do get in touch with Ms Dominique ( or Mr Walton (

Musician of the Month

This month we are celebrating the music of Celia Cruz and our video of the week is one of Celia’s most famous salsa songs:

La Vida Es Un Carnaval - Life is a party

General Information

The following students are celebrating their birthdays this week:

Sophia (4T)

Brando (4D)

Tanunditt [Han] (4F)

Berry (4L)

Unfortunately, due to Covid restrictions, we are asking students NOT to bring in any cakes from home to share with members of the class. We will however sing Happy Birthday at some point throughout the day and give them a birthday card.


School Uniform

Please share these expectations with your child.


Hair longer than the shoulders should be clipped or tied back.

The same for any long fringes that hide the face.

No bright hair dyes/braids/obvious buzz cuts.


Watches, small stud earrings and jewellery of religious or medical significance are acceptable.

Any religious or medical item worn around the neck should be kept underneath the school shirt.

Wrist bands and other accessories should be left at home.

Smart watches

Any watches that can be used to make telephone calls should not be worn to school. Recently, many students have been wearing these. Should they wear them to school, the class teacher will take it off them and return it at the end of the day.

Shoes and socks and other clothing

White socks and plain black shoes (smart all black trainers are acceptable).


Blue Patana jackets only. Hoodies or sweaters are not allowed in class. Patana jackets are available in the school shop.


Patana hats or Residential hats only please. They are available in the school shop.


Lost Property

Parents and children are encouraged to search lost property before purchasing replacement items.

Please visit or scan the code and log in.


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 4 Rep
Ja Hemakul

Primary Rep
Amelie Buysschaert

Year Group Leaders
Mr David Walton

Mrs Dominique Chandler

Mr Alex Lowe

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