Year 4 newsletter 03.01.23

We are protected, safe and secure

A note from the Principal

Dear parents,

This week’s note comes from Hua Hin, where I am on residential with the Year 4 students. We have had a wonderful 3 nights away, during which the students have enjoyed a number of memorable activities and experienced quite a number of ‘firsts’. Myself and the team have been so impressed with the students’ independence, sense of adventure, kindness towards friends and exceptional manners. Wishing all those students who are on residential next week a safe and happy trip!

Today, I would like to share some news that Ms. Abigail Kay, long standing Patana staff member and Year 3 teacher, is leaving our community. Abi has asked me to pass on the below message:

Dear Children, Parents and Staff at Bangkok Patana School,

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I will not be returning to school. This is not a decision I was happy to make but it is what I must do for now. My family and I have been and are so incredibly grateful for the well wishes, the donations and support that we’ve received from so many within the Patana community. We will never be able to repay your kindness, a kindness that only goes to prove how much of a special place Patana is. I have loved my time here and have been fortunate to have met some of the most amazing children in the world, the most caring parents and most passionate and dedicated staff. We are so sad to leave, especially without a proper goodbye but know that you will be in our hearts forever. Thank you, Abigail, Nick and Finley xx

We sincerely wish Ms. Abi and family the safest of onward journeys and we will be thinking of them.

Sarah McCormack


As one half of Year 4 returns from an amazing residential trip to Hua Hin, the other is preparing to go. 

For the week 2 residential, the following blog will be updated daily with a summary of the day and a photo of every class. More photos will be shared when we return to school.

                                                        Notes from Ms Battram:

                                             Getting sick whilst on Residential

Children sometimes feel unwell whilst on their Residential. When this happens, we will always contact you and agree next steps. Our staff and nurses will take good care of your child, but it’s never good to feel sick when away from home.

If your child feels unwell before their departure date, they should not join the Residential. This would include symptoms such as a fever (higher than 37.5), a cough, a sustained headache, vomiting and diarrhoea. If they improve, and you can arrange your own transport, they are always welcome to join their class later in the week.

                                       Saying goodbye on the morning of departure

We hope that you are as excited as we are about the upcoming residentials.

If your child will be coming to school that day by private transport, please say goodbye before they enter the year group. Please do not wait outside the classroom. 

Once children enter school for registration, there will be no further opportunities to hug or talk with your child. Classes walk directly from their year group building or meeting room to board their bus. There will be sign-posted areas for those parents who want to wait for the buses to depart.

Please note that parents will not be able to board or gather around the bus.

 Please ensure that any snacks for the journey are completely nut-free.

 Medicines can be given to our Nursing Team the week before departure or passed to the accompanying nurse in the bus park.

                                                    Returning to school on Friday

Once buses arrive, please give the staff and children time and space to organise their bags and belongings. When all children have been re-united with their belongings, the class teacher will give you an early leaving slip and you may then depart with your child.

I’m sure they will have many exciting stories to share!

Students who are not collected on arrival will be taken to the canteen and will join their year group for the afternoon. You can collect your child before the end of the school day but please give an early leaving slip to the Security Guard when exiting the campus.

If your child is going home by school bus, please confirm by email.  

                                              A note from Ms Laura:

Dear parents and carers of Year 4,

It is not long before Year 4 depart on their residential trip to Hua Hin. All the children have shown great excitement in school and staff are equally looking forward to attending residential this year after the hiatus due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

If you wish to speak to the school nurse about the management of your child's health condition for the residential trips, Nurse Joe is offering appointments to discuss this. Please do drop her an email to arrange a time

Furthermore, please ensure that any medications prescribed or bought over the counter for use during the trip are given to Nurse Joe 1-2 weeks prior to the trip where possible.

Any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Kindest regards,

Ms Laura  

If you need any more information please see our blog. Don't forget to sign up and practice for the Bangkok Patana's Year 4 Talent show!

EAL and SFL parent presentations

On Thursday 26th and Friday 27th January, our EAL and SFL team ran 2 very successful workshops on inclusion in the Primary school. 

You can take a look at their presentations below:

Upcoming events and dates for your diary

DateEventWho is involved?Notes
7th- 10th February Week 2 residential (4W, 4T, 4N, 4A)

13th FebruaryBlock C ECAs begin

15th FebruarySchool Photo catch up day

20th-24th FebruaryHalf term

6th MarchMakha Bucha Day
School closed
11th MarchFun Day!

Half Term 

Sign up is now open for Tiger’s Dance Academy’s February half term dance camp. Please find the details below and fill out the sign-up form as soon as you can to reserve the spot for your child! This camp is designed to boost learning in a fun filled environment with coaches offering a diverse range of styles and training in Jazz, Hip Hop, Ballet, Latin, street jazz and some Afro grooves as well! Please read carefully before signing up

Form – Sign up form Deadline Friday 3rd February.

Schedule - Draft Schedule


  • The camp will be held over three days starting Tuesday 21st February – Thursday 23rd February at the Dance Academy for primary students with the option to sign up for either two days or all three days.
  • For secondary students we are offering a one day only camp held on Thursday 23rd February.
  • The camp is taught by four dance academy coaches – Coach Aum, Nanzie, Mux and Boat.
  • The number of spots available is 22 for each key stage to ensure quality learning. We will close the form early if spots get filled up before the closing date which is Friday 3rd February.
  • Cancellations after February 15th will be charged in full.

Please note that for this to go ahead, we require a minimum number of students to attend. We will confirm this by the deadline date of Wednesday 8th February.

Fun Day

Tech Talk

General Information

Learning In Year 4

Term 2A- Digging in the Dirt!

For more information please visit our Year 4 Curriculum Page.

                                                         PE- Term 2

Here is the timetable for PE in Year 4, Term 2.

Important reminder! All students will be learning Teeball in Term 2. Football boots are required for this unit. 

As Year 4 PE lessons are before break time, the children can arrive at school in their PE kits (or swimming kits underneath their PE kits). They will then need to change into their uniforms at the end of the PE lesson.


                     The following students are celebrating their

                                        birthdays this week:

                                              Oscar, 4N

                                             Meikee, 4H

                             We wish you a very happy birthday!


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258
Transport02 785 2470
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785 2231
Year 4 Rep - Ashmeet Narula

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla

Year Group Leaders
Ms Sarah Weaver

Ms Dominique Chandler

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