Thursday 7th May

Equipment list for today

  • PE kit
  • Pencil and paper
  • Colours for your graffiti artwork and character  

Today's Brain Teaser

Answer to yesterday's brain teaser

Lesson 1: 8-8:40am

PE - Can I improve my own and other’s performance? ?

LI: Can I improve my own and other’s performance?

Follow the link for today’s warm up.

Waka Waka Warm up

Follow this link for today’s main activity. Remember to read all of the instructions carefully.

Swimming Technique PowerPoint

Extra Challenge- Only 2 days left

Do you like your basketball, football or tennis and are up for a challenge of taking on St Andrews 71 in a skills challenge? If a great big “Oh Yes, Bring It On!” then follow the link for instructions of how to give it a try;

St Andrews 71 vs Patana Challenge

Gooo Patana!!!

Go to Y4 Team (Grad 29) on MS Teams.

Enter calendar.

Join the lesson at 9:00am.

Can I learn collaboratively?

Resources: laptop, MS Teams, headphones, Google Drive open and links to the resources (your teacher will share these with you during the live session)

Time Frame: 40 minutes

Lesson 2: 9-9:40am

Literacy Live Learning at 9:00 am- Can I write a character description?

LI: Can I write a character description?

Learning task. To write a paragraph describing the lead character Mara

How can I share my learning?

  • I can record or video my description

  • I can draw a picture of Mara and add descriptive sentences.

  • I can use google slides or a google doc.

  • I can use the daily document in Google Classroom if my teacher is trying this out.  


  1. Watch the video up to 30 seconds.

  1. Complete the table of adjectives describing Mara. Make a note on paper.

  2. Choose your challenge.

  3. Use the success criteria to write your paragraph about Mara’s character’s appearance and personality.


EL Task

Click the file below to see how you can add more to your character description.  

EL - Can you extend your character description?

Take a break!

Lesson 3: 10-10:40am

Art with Mr Dallas- Can I colour graffiti and character?

L.I: Can I colour graffiti and character?

Learning Task: You are going to colour your graffiti and character. Click the link to the art blog, watch the introduction video and click the link to follow the instructions on the Google slide.

Resources: Colours

How am I going to share my learning? Share your finished art in your Google Drive and share it with Mr Dallas by following this link and placing it in your class folder:

Lesson 4: 11-11:40am

Maths- Can I find hundredths on a PV chart?

LI: Can I find hundredths on a PV chart?


Watch this video for today's learning: 

How am I going to share my learning?

Snip or photograph to a google doc.

Remember to name your doc with date and title.

Learning Tasks:

If you work with Ms. Keri or Ms. Tanya in Maths during the week, your learning today is on the EL blog.

Maths Challenge Answers

Active May Challenge

Lesson 5: 13-13:40am

Guided Reading Learning

Choose from one of the options below:

  • You can select a book from Bug Club activelearn, from the books that I have assigned you.

  • Choose an activity from the grid below

Have a great afternoon.  We look forward to your learning from today.  

Story time

Somebody loves you, Mr Hatch

Somebody Loves You, Mr Hatch

Read by Hector Elizondo


FOBISIA Writing Competition

We hope you have had an amazing day of learning and can't wait for you to share it with us :)

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