January 15th - Friday

Morning Challenge

ECA sign ups. Please remind your parent to sign up with Block 3 ECAs via the Parent Gateway. Share this message with your parents.

Mums and Dads - please be reassured that if Block 3 does not go ahead, no costs will be incurred.

List of equipment

  • Laptop or PC - access to the blog and the internet
  • MS Teams - open and logged on
  • Reading Books - a range of fiction and non-fiction
  • Paper or exercise book - lined or blank pages
  • Log in details for Bug Club
  • Pencil and paper
  • Colouring pencils or pens

Click here to review the expectations before you join the live lesson

Go to Y4 Team (Grad 30) on MS Teams.

Enter your calendar section.

Join the lesson at 8:00am.

Can I learn collaboratively?

Resources: laptop, MS Teams, headphones, Google Drive open and links to the resources (your teacher will share these with you during the live session)

Time Frame: 40 minutes

Lesson 1: 8-8:40am

Maths Live Lesson -Can I explore the relationship between a part and a whole?

LI: Can I explore the relationship between a part and a whole?

Learning Task:

Wait for your class teacher to start the Live lesson

Instructions for live lesson:

How am I going to share my learning?

Once you have finished self mark your learning using the answers below.

Share your learning via google drive or via email with your class teacher and specialist teachers.

Missed the live lesson or needs a recap?

Click the link to watch a video of the session.



Star challenge

Star Challenge

Heart challenge

Heart Challenge

Arrow challenge

Arrow Challenge

Think of a walk you love to do near your house. What are the parts of this journey? Use Google Earth, to capture your walk and label the parts. Write statements about the different parts of your journey.

E.g., I walk past 7/11 on my way to the BTS, this is part of my journey.

Challenge ANSWERS




We have a Friday treat for your break time!

We have a Friday treat for your break time!

If you were disappointed at not being able to borrow a book, from the library, then you are in for a real treat!.

Follow this link and you will be able to listen to lots of David Walliams' stories and lots of other authors too!


Lesson 2: MFL 9-9:40am

Please share any MFL learning with your MFL teachers.

French Learning

FRENCH - MFL - SET A is (Y4 K, T, C, A) and SET B is (Y4 D, F, L, W)


You have received an invitation to this lesson. Check your calendar. Start your live lesson with Madame Patricia in the 04 SET A French channel in MS teams.


Go to Google Classroom to see tasks and follow instructions.

Your Class Code is :

Spanish Learning


You have received an invitation to this lesson. Check your calendar. Start your live lesson with Señorita Mariela & Señorita Kathy in the 04 SET B Spanish channel in MS teams.


Watch this video here

Go to Google Classroom > Click on Classwork > Select Continuing Students Learning 2021

Note: If you are a new student, watch this video and join my class using this code:


Mandarin Learning

Go to Google Classroom for instruction

If you have any questions about this learning please contact your MFL teacher. grch@patana.ac.th

Thai Learning

Please open the link below you will see the Learning intention, Learning steps, Success Criteria and assignment.


EAL Learning

Blue Group (4A, 4C, 4K, 4T)

LI: Can I use past simple and past continuous tenses together?

Instructions: Your learning for today is on MS Teams in the Y4 EAL Blue Group.

Orange Group (4D, 4F, 4L, 4W)

LI: Can I use pronouns correctly?

Instructions: There is an invitation to your live lesson on your MS Teams Calendar. Please have a pencil, coloured pencils and some paper ready.

Yellow Group (Thai EAL)

Thai class at 09:00. Your live lesson is today at 10:00.

Enjoy your learning everyone :)

Have a Brain Break

Lesson 3: 10-10:40am

Science Learning - Can I recall everything I know about Bubbles?

LI: Can I recall everything I know about Bubbles?

Learning Task: Creating a mind map

How am I going to share my learning? 

On paper and photo/scan and upload on Google Doc or email to teacher.

Step 1: Read through the google slides


Step 2: Create a mind map that shows what you know about bubbles, what you think you know about bubbles and also what you wonder about bubbles.

Step 3: Share your mind map with your teacher

Step 4: Add questions you have about bubbles to the padlet.

Made with Padlet

Lesson 4: 11-11:40am  &   Lesson 5:13 -13:40

This learning will take you both of Lesson 4 and Lesson 5 today. We can't wait to see how you present your learning!

Connected Learning- Can I describe and offer reasons for my opinions?

Can I describe and offer reasons for my opinions?

Step 1: Watch the video that explains today's challenges


Step 2: Open the google slides presentation in a new window


Step 3: Complete all three challenges

How do I share my learning?

It is up to you how you present your learning. You could make a poster, a leaflet, a google document or something else it is your choice.

Take a picture or place in a google document and share with your teacher.

Watch this video that explains today's learning.

Dear Year 4,

Thank you for a great first week of CSL and for sharing all of your learning with us.

Next week, you will need to use our Seesaw platform/app to share all of your CSL learning. You should not share any learning through teams or email. Your parents have been sent your QR codes (or passcode) for Seesaw.

To become more familiar with the Seesaw app, or if you are not sure or can't remember how it works, please watch this video.

Have a great Friday and weekend, and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday.

Active January Challenge

Keep in touch with what is happening around the world:

Click on the picture below

Lesson 5: 13-13 :40  Continue with your Connected Learning. Finished?  Want to be creative? Try the challenge below

Need a break? Want to be creative?

Who doesn’t love den or fort building?

Even grownups would be fibbing if they said they wouldn’t enjoy getting creative and building cosy, little hideouts to play in – it’s just far too much fun. With this in mind, here is a little guide to indoor and outdoor den building ideas for the whole family to enjoy, complete with suggested materials and building tips for creating the best indoor and outdoor dens you’ve ever seen. We also have included our new IKEA link where they provide a diagram and a list of materials that you will need :) Ready? Set … Build!

Click on the photos below for more ideas ;)

Or even better, choose one of the activities below that doesn't require a screen ;)

Story Time 


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