January 14th - Thursday

ECA sign ups. Please remind your parent to sign up with Block 3 ECAs via the Parent Gateway. Share this message with your parents.

Mums and Dads - please be reassured that if Block 3 does not go ahead, no costs will be incurred.

Morning Challenge

Equipment list for today

  • PE kit
  • Pencil and paper
  • Colours (pencils or pens) for Art
  • Bug club login

Much like the body, the mind needs exercise from time to time. So, why not enjoy a puzzle or a problem-solving game?

Today's Brain Teaser

Share your answers here 

Lesson 1: 8-8:40am

PE - LI: Can I follow and copy an exercise routine?

LI: Can I follow and copy an exercise routine?

Learning Task: Warm up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO-R5EfG_N4&feature=youtu.be

Hula work out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJyLdWh72wE&feature=youtu.be


Complete warm up first.

For the main activity use a hula hoop if you have one available, if you don’t then you can use items from around your home ( as shown in the video).

Review the expectations for live lessons before your lesson

Go to Y4 Team (Grad 30) on MS Teams.

Enter calendar.

Join the lesson at 9:00am.

Can I learn collaboratively?

Resources: laptop, MS Teams, headphones, Google Drive open and links to the resources (your teacher will share these with you during the live session)

Time Frame: 40 minutes

Lesson 2: 9-9:40am  LIVE LESSON

Literacy Live Learning at 9:00 am

LI: Can I write a complex sentence?

Instructions: Please wait for your teacher to start the call

How am I going to share my learning? On the Google slide

Take a break! 

Lesson 3: 10-10:40am

Art with Mr Dallas- L.I: Can I draw graffiti?

L.I: Can I draw graffiti?

Learning Task: You are going to choose a word and draw it in the style of graffiti. Click the link to the art blog, watch the introduction video and click the link to follow the instructions on the Google slide.


Resources: A4/3 paper, pencil and eraser.

How am I going to share my learning? Share your finished art work with your class teacher.

Lesson 4: 11-11:40am

Maths- Can I explain the relationship between a part and a whole?

LI: Can I explain the relationship between a part and a whole?


Watch the video below for today’s maths learning. Pause the video when asked to think about the question. Remember you can watch the video again if you need to.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPrc1mhN-qY&ab_channel=4C2020

How am I going to share my learning?

Share your learning with your class teacher and specialist on a google doc or in an email

Learning Tasks:



EL Blog Link 

Maths Challenge Answers


HEART and ARROW send to your teacher to mark.

Lesson 5: 13-13:40am

Guided Reading Learning

Choose from one of the options below:

  • You can select a book from Bug Club activelearn, from the books that I have assigned you.

  • Choose an activity from the grid below

Active January Challenge

Story time- James and the Giant Peach- Episode 2


We hope you have had an amazing day of learning and can't wait for you to share it with us :)

ECA sign ups. Please remind your parent to sign up with Block 3 ECAs via the Parent Gateway. Share this message with your parents.

Mums and Dads - please be reassured that if Block 3 does not go ahead, no costs will be incurred.

Recent Articles


  1. today sounds fun :0

    Posted by Arlyn Sorakraikitikul, 14/01/2021 at 08:33

    1. I like the classes so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Posted by Yuhao {Daniel} Yin, 14/01/2021 at 12:32

      1. I like the classes so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Posted by Yuhao {Daniel} Yin, 14/01/2021 at 12:33

        1. I like the classes so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Posted by Yuhao {Daniel} Yin, 14/01/2021 at 12:33

          1. I Love the guided reading activities! :)

            Posted by Tsz Kiu {Kate} Leung, 14/01/2021 at 12:46

            1. :) that was fun

              Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:iSAMSstu:13694, 14/01/2021 at 14:40