Friday 12th June

Good Morning Year Three!

Registration link here

This weeks live lessons are:

Resources for Today

  • Laptop/chromebook or iPad to access google drive
  • Notepad/pen and paper
  • Reading book

Reading for Pleasure: Spend the first 15 minutes of your day enjoying your reading book!

Science:  Can I present my findings?

This morning you will be using the notes you made during Monday’s lesson on solids, liquids and gases.

Challenge: To present your information in a clear, organised way.

You could make a poster, record yourself giving a presentation on flipgrid or make a google slides powerpoint.

You will share your presentation with a friend on Monday.

Live Lesson- Literacy @9am

Can I write a persuasive letter?

Success Ladders:

Brain Break

You will need a die or a spinner numbered 1 to 6.

Roll the die to find out which brain break challenge you will complete today.

Maths: Can I solve problems involving time?

If you learn Maths with Ms Keri during the week, your learning for today is on the Y3 EL BLOG - click here


Heart, Star and Arrow Challenges to print:

Guided Reading: Can I make connections between texts?

You have read two texts recently, ‘The Iron Man’ and ‘Giant Jim and The Hurricane’

Challenge: Can you say how the stories are similar and how they are different to each other?

• What kinds of things happen? (what is the plot)

• Where do the stories take place? (what is the setting)

• What do the characters look like? What kind of personalities do the characters have?

• Do the stories have a similar moral or a lesson to teach you?

You may want to use a Venn diagram to help you share your ideas (see examples below)

EXAMPLE = Comparing The Twits and The Ernormous Crocodile

EXAMPLE = In The Enormous Crocodile and The Twits, there is a bad main character who wants to do something horrible to children. In both books, the main character isn’t very smart and they don’t succeed but instead they get stopped by other people.

The Roly-Poly bird is a character which is in both of these stories and so are the Muggle Wump monkeys.

The setting is a little bit similar because Enormous Crocodile is in a jungle and a lot of the Twits takes place in their overgrown garden, which is a bit like a jungle.

I think both stories are teaching the lesson that if you are horrible and try to do mean things, then you won’t succeed because good people will stop you.



EAL; Click here

Visit the blog here for your learning

French; click here

Can I understand and say words/phrases?

Please watch the video for the lesson today and follow instructions. You will also need this link to watch the new video of Tello and Nina and this one for the Activity

German; Click here

Guten Tag Klasse 3D und 3K

Can I understand and say words for numbers in German?

1 Go to Linguascope,

    • enter username: bpsmfl, Password: langsrfun

    • Follow this path: Beginner-German-Die Grundlagen-Die Farben: do Wordsearch and Teste dich

2 Go to Quizizz ,

    • enter the code: 6190879 , sign in with your real name and

    • complete the quiz. You should get at least 65%, if not, do the quiz again.

When you have finished, please share your learning with Frau Gabriele at

Mandarin; click here

LI: Can I say words for colours in Mandarin?

Revision of colour words and learn to sing colour song here

Complete the worksheet here

When you have finished, please share your learning with Ms. Grace at

Thai; click here

LI: Can I read and understand a story?


Step 1 - ฟังหรืออ่านนิทานเรื่อง ทำไมเสือหางยาว กวางหางสั้น

นิทานเรื่อง ทำไมเสือหางยาว กวางหางสั้น

Step 2 - เล่าเรื่องซ้ำตามลำดับเหตุการณ์ โดยใช้ภาษาของตนเอง

Step 3 - ทำแบบฝึกหัดเขียนคำและเติมคำในประโยค

Extra Challenge: เขียนเล่าเรื่องใหม่เป็นย่อหน้า โดยมีประโยคอย่างน้อย 6 ประโยค

Step 4 - ส่งงานให้ครูไทยของนักเรียน

Spanish; click here

UNIT: Numbers 1-10

LI Can I say and write words?

1- Watch this video.

2- Click on this link to find the assignment for today here.

When you have finished, please share your learning with Señorita Mariela at



Please click here for ECAs