Thursday 11th June

Good Morning Year Three!

Registration link here

This weeks live lessons are:

Resources for Today

  • Laptop/chromebook or iPad to access google drive
  • Notepad/pen and paper
  • Reading book

Reading for Pleasure: Spend the first 15 minutes of your day enjoying your reading book!

EAL - Red&Purple Team - LIVE Lesson in Microsoft Teams with Miss Jenene @8am. You will not do Library today.

Library:  Can I enjoy some new books, stories and resources?

Learning Task: This is a ‘Book Look’ lesson offering several choices to find new books and stories.

Your challenge for today;

EL here
EL answers here

Brain Break

Go out into your garden or down stairs to a communal garden/park. Collect some natural items such as leaves , tiny pebbles, seeds, fallen flowers and arrange them to make a word or a pattern. Take a photo of your design and share it with your teacher.

PE: Can I catch different objects consistently?

Warm Up: Watch the video below for today’s warm up.

Main activity: Today you will be focusing on improving your catching. Watch the videos below and then give the skills a try. Use as many different objects as you can. Enjoy!

If you're not able to do the learning for today then please follow this link for an alternative.

Star Wars Yoga:

Looking for more activites? Click below;

If you’re looking for more activities to try go to the Primary PE Blog and have a go at our weekly challenge

Or you could go to the Virtual Home Learning section where you’ll finds lots of different activities which will keep you active

Art: Can I research & develop ideas to create a poster?

Learning Task: You are going to research and develop ideas from images found on Google images to create a first draft of a poster titled ‘Diverse & Inclusive’. Click the link to the art blog, watch the introduction video and click the link to follow the instructions on the Google slide.

Resources: A4/3 Paper, pencil, ruler and eraser.

How am I going to share my learning? As you are researching and developing ideas towards a first draft, you do not need to share the learning this week.


Connected Learning: Can I combine and join materials?

Today you will be adding details to your Iron Man.

Success Criteria for Level 1 and 2

Success Criteria Level 1:

Two Eyes.

One ear

One Nose

A mouth

Success Criteria Level 2:

Antenna on head

Hands have fingers

Success Criteria Level 3:

Eyes light up

Buttons or control panel on chest

Face shows an emotion.



Please click here for ECAs