Friday 5th June

Good Morning Year Three!

Registration link here

This weeks live lessons are;

Resources for Today

  • Laptop/chromebook or iPad to access google drive
  • Notepad/pen and paper
  • Reading book

Reading for Pleasure: Spend the first 15 minutes of your day enjoying your reading book!

Science: Can I build molecules?

Following on from learning about the periodic table, watch the powerpoint below and choose 5 molecules to build, draw and label.

Task: Using the prompts below choose 5 molecules to build, draw and label.

Building Molecules 1:

Building Molecules 2:

Live Lesson: Literacy @ 9am


1st Task: Use the ebook to read chapter 2 of the Iron Man. As you read, note down any words or phrases that you don’t understand.

2nd Task: You need to find out the meaning of the words you didn’t understand. You could…

  • Read around the sentences around the word for clues

  • Use Word Hippo to look up the definition.

  • Ask an adult or message your teacher

3rd Task: Answer these questions using your own words. Give reasons from the story to prove your answers.

  • How did Hagarth’s father feel when he heard that the Iron Man was back?

  • Why were the farmers so upset and worried?

Y3 EL blog here


Maths: Can I  compare the duration of events?

If you learn Maths with Ms Keri during the week, your learning for today is on the Y3 EL BLOG - click here

Heart Challenge:

Star Challenge:

Arrow Challenge:

If you learn Maths with Ms Keri during the week, your learning for today is on the Y3 EL BLOG - click here

Guided Reading : Can I identify effective language?

Read the first chapter of the text again. Think about the effective language we have been looking at with ‘The Iron Man’. Can you find an example of each of the following?



Can you find at least one example of:

1. Repetition

2. Rhetorical questions

3. 2a sentence

4. An adverb

5. Simile

6. Onomatopoeia

7. Synonyms that replace ‘said’.

8. A sentence starting with an -ing verb

9. Anything else that you liked and say why you liked it.



  1. Repetition ‘belonged to a…’

  2. Rhetorical questions What could be making such a noise?

  3. 2a sentence two long, hairy arms

  4. An adverb patiently

  5. Simile as tall as four houses sitting on top of each other

  6. Onomatopoeia Aargh!

  7. Synonyms that replace ‘said’. Cried, yelled, murmured.

A sentence starting with an -ing verb Staring through the window at him,



EAL; click here

RTF and Self Assess!

Visit the blog here for your learning

French; click here

LI: Can I teach French phrases?

Please watch the video and follow instructions. click here

German; click here

Guten Tag Klasse 3D und 3K

Can I write words for colours in German?

  • Please click on First Day of School,

    • watch the video and

    • answer the questions.

  • Then take a blank piece of paper, Titel: Die Schultüte

    • draw your version of this ‘thing’ and colour the ‘thing’ you have seen in the video.

    • Label the colours with the German words for the colours you have used. Then take a picture of your drawing and email it to Frau Gabriele

When you have finished, please share your learning with Frau Gabriele at

Mandarin: click here

LI: Can I write words for numbers in Chinese?

Watch this video to see written numbers

Watch this video to follow the stroke orders

Practice your writing here and here

Spanish; click here

UNIT: Los Saludos

LI Can I use greetings in the right context?

1- Watch this video.

2- Click on the video in the drop down box below and answer the questions.

3- Click on this link to find the assignment for today here.

When you have finished, please share your learning with me at

Spanish Video to watch;

Thai; click here

LI: Can I explain about what I have read or listened to? ฉันสามารถอธิบายเกี่ยวกับเรื่องที่ฟังหรืออ่านได้

Step 1. ดูวิดีโอคลิปเกี่ยวกับส่วนต่างๆของมนุษย์:

Step 2. เลือกทำกิจกรรมตามความสามารถ และความชอบของตนเอง

Step 3. ส่งงานที่เลือกทำ ให้ครูไทยของนักเรียน

โดย share ทาง Google docs.

Story Time

Before we go please join us in celebrating a birthday....


Please click here for ECAs