Friday 27th March

Good Morning Year Three!

Please make sure you register your child using the link each day

Registration - To register click here

Don't forget that if you have any questions or need help with anything please email your class teacher.

EL Blog link here

Quality Reading Time 

Today the sessions for Guided Reading and Literacy are linked. You can start this learning now and continue later or combine both lessons into one - up to you!

Challenge: Now you have read the book in sections, can you go back and re-read the book as a whole.

Questions - click link below!

                                 Think about the following questions:

Was there anything you liked about this book?

Was there anything you particularly disliked?

Was there anything that puzzled you? 

Were there any connections that you noticed?

Go Noodle - take a brain break!

Connected Learning- Science 

Challenge: Can I make a rainbow?

Watch this video first before you start experimenting.

Click below for instructions- 

How can you make a rainbow in your own home?

You will need:


a clear glass


a small mirror


  1. Fill the glass with water.
  2. Put the mirror into the water inside the glass at an angle.
  3. Position the glass so that the sunlight shine directly at the mirror. You may have to shift the mirror to find the right angle.
  4. Look at the reflection on the wall. It would be easier to see if the room is dark.
  5. Adjust the angle of the mirror until you see a rainbow on the wall.


How can you change the shape and size of your rainbow?

How can you make your rainbow brighter?

Do you have any questions about rainbows? Post them on your blogs!



Can I solve multiplication and division problems?

Over the past six weeks we have been learning lots of different strategies for calculating multiplication and division. Please watch Mr Joe's video which shows all of these. 

Using the strategy of your choice to solve these multiplication and division problems. There are three levels of challenge - you only need to do one challenge.

Challenge 1

Challenge 2

Challenge 3

Guided Reading / Literacy

Continuing from the lesson earlier...

Task: Create a book review of ‘Ice Trap’ by Meredith Hooper

See this link for some great examples 

Then click on the Titles page to find lots of examples of book reviews.

For Top Tips- Click below!

  • Does the author do a good job of making you feel like you are there in Antarctica? How?
  • Are the main characters likeable? Do you know anyone like them? What is good about the way the author describes them?

  • What do you like the way the author uses words?

  • Use concrete examples to back up your points, such as describing a scene that really moved you or using a couple of short quotes from the book.

  • Don’t forget to include your opinion of the book, whether you liked or disliked it.

Success Criteria 


For this section you will need to select from the drop down boxes below which language you are currently learning!

Spanish- click the link below;

Watch this video

LI Can I compare and contrast?

Then, follow this link and do the tasks.


Thai- click the link below;

Today we continue reading a Thai story (poem) “Big G”.

Big G บิ๊กจี 20 March.pdf

LI: Can I read and answer questions from the text read?


Choose the other 2 pages you would like to continue reading.

Can you read by yourself?

Try reading aloud to adults.

Then ask and answer the questions about the poem.

Have you ever eaten any Thai fruits, vegetables or herbs in the story? Write a list of those names.

You may add some pictures of those fruits, vegetables or herbs in your list.

Share your learning with your Thai teacher’

Kru Gak -

Kru Pranee -

Kru Rosie -

German- click the link below;

Guten Morgen Klasse 3

Can I write words for colours in German?

  1. Please click on First Day of School,

    1. watch the video and

    2. answer the questions.

  2. Then take a blank piece of paper, Titel: Die Schulüte

    1. draw and colour the ‘thing’ you have seen in the video.

    2. Label the colours with the German words for the colours you have used.

French- click the link below;

Mandarin - click the link below;

Can I greet in Chinese?

Watch this video again to refresh your memory

Click here to see the greeting conversation between 2 persons and answer the questions

Culture understanding: Watch this video

EAL- Click the image to the right to access our EAL CSL Blog page;

Happy Birthday Message!

Preparation for Monday's Science and Math Learning! 

Create yourself an Antarctic Ice floe filled with small toys/bricks/beads. (Food dye makes it more fun but not essential!) Put into your freezer overnight. This will be the basis of Monday's Science and Maths lessons.


  1. Cool I like to make a rainbow

    Posted by Tsz Kiu {Kate} Leung, 27/03/2020 at 07:07

    1. And the break time video

      Posted by Tsz Kiu {Kate} Leung, 27/03/2020 at 07:27

      1. Me too I loved it!

        Posted by 36901cb67f947e4ca98dc5ac4282142d, 27/03/2020 at 07:46

      2. yay! another day!

        Posted by Zhe-An Kaiden Liu, 27/03/2020 at 07:58

        1. I like the maths today

          Posted by Hayden Dutoit, 27/03/2020 at 09:37

          1. yeah! a bit

            Posted by 36901cb67f947e4ca98dc5ac4282142d, 27/03/2020 at 11:47

          2. hello

            Posted by bbb1dab0dc92424ab5d3bb3e6dd952c1, 27/03/2020 at 09:57

            1. H pedro it me Natalia

              Posted by Natalia Lertpisitkul, 27/03/2020 at 14:45

            2. In banana banana meat ball they sang loud in the library

              Posted by Akiranan {Akin} Suriyabhivadh, 27/03/2020 at 10:23

              1. The rainbow experiment is super cool! I want to do it again!=oO

                Posted by Thomas Wadsworth, 27/03/2020 at 11:18

                1. I love the ice cube activity! Its so exciting!

                  Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:iSAMSstu:15023, 27/03/2020 at 11:32

                  1. cool

                    Posted by Natalia Lertpisitkul, 27/03/2020 at 14:46

                  2. Why do I feel like the day is soo fast? and I miss school

                    Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:iSAMSstu:13449, 27/03/2020 at 13:09

                    1. that was quite fun. :):)

                      Posted by c0accb71f8efeb4ab11c4e43f4ad747a, 27/03/2020 at 13:48