Year 2 Newsletter 6-3-2020

Living our Values

We are : Inspired to improve global sustainability

Upcoming Events

Smile Day

Our Smile Day theme is to…

‘Say something funny for money’.

Everyone is encouraged to wear bright, happy colours that makes you smile and choose a funny poem, limerick, tongue twister or rhyme to share with their friends on Smile Day.

We will be asking for donations of 100 baht on the day.

This money will be donated to Operation Smile, who then provide free surgeries to repair cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities for children throughout Thailand.


Date LocationWho's Involved
Primary Parents' Workshop : Reading Skills and Strategies
10.3.20Primary HallPrimary Parents
Bangkok Patana Waste Less Weeks16.3.20 - 27.3.20Whole SchoolWhole School Community
ECA Helpdesk17.3.20PTG RoomAll Parents
Primary Parents Workshop: Mathematics in Key Stage One17.3.20Primary HallKey Stage One Parents
PTG Volunteers Thank You Breakfast25.3.20The Black BoxPTG Volunteers
Year 2 Pirate EXPO31.3.20Theatre and Year 2 BuildingYear 2 Parents


Air Quality Information - Helen Thew, Cross Campus Principal

Air Quality levels are posted on our Students’, Parents’ and Staff Firefly Dashboards. Links to our policies and procedures can be found here. Air Quality levels are automatically read three times a day: Early morning, 11.00am and 1.30pm. To further understand what happens when air quality levels reach higher than normal levels, please access the presentation given to parents in November here. Students may come to school wearing masks but they are not obligated to do so. With our new pre-cooled, fresh air systems in place, students can then remove their masks when they come into class.

Please use this link for more information


Term 2 Learning Unit: - Who’s your pirate?

Find out more about our term's learning below!

Year Two Pirate EXPO

Don't for get that we will be showcasing all our learning from Term 2 on Tuesday 31st March at our EXPO! We will begin in the Theatre with some poetry and songs, and then move over to the ear 2 building to show you our in class learning. See you there!

Global Citizenship

Year 2 Well-Being Garden Project

Dear Parents

Throughout this year, our Year 2 students have been learning about recycling through our Eco-bricking Project.

We now have enough bricks to start building and would like to create a ‘Well-being and Sustainability Garden’ on the roof of Year 2. The children have many amazing plans for the garden but we need your help to gather the following up-cycled materials:

Clean dry plastic - Used for weaving and making eco bricks. Plastics can include food wrappers, plastic wrapping, frozen food bags etc. All plastic needs to be clean and dry.

Plastic bottle tops - Used to create mosaic pictures and pathways

Old umbrella or tent material - Used to make and weave shading

Old piping and netting - Used to create up-cycled shading

Old gardening tools - We would rather re-use and re-cycle old gardening tools than buy new.

Collection Point and Parent Help

All materials can be brought to the Y2 building from March 2nd onwards.

If you are able to offer help or advice with our garden, please contact Miss Michelle on

Kind regards

The Year 2 Team


We enjoy mini-celebrations in class but ask that you pre-arrange a time with the teacher. Individual portions such as brownies and cupcakes are easier to share out. All food sent in to school must be nut free. As school policy, teachers are not able to give out party bags or other gifts as part of a birthday celebration.

Happy Birthday to the students celebrating their birthdays this coming week:

2A Jessica 11-Mar
2A DanDan 10-Mar
2K Axel 10-Mar
2M Tate 12-Mar

We wish you all a super day!

General Information

Lost Property

Parents and children are encouraged to search lost property before purchasing replacement items.

Please visit or scan the code and log in.


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 2 Rep
Amelie Buysschaert 

Primary Rep
Jayne Harvey

Year Group Leaders
Ms Kim Powell

Mr Liam Bowden

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