Y2 Newsletter 28.04.23

Upcoming Events

Academic Staff CPL Day - School Closed01/05/23Whole School
Coronation Day - HM King Rama X - School Closed04/05/23Whole School
Non Uniform Day (Red, White and Blue) - Coronation of King Charles III05/05/23Whole School
Y2 Swimming Gala17/05/2325m Pool
Public Holiday - School Closed05/06/23Whole School
Busking Day08/06/23Primary School
Dance Extravaganza Y1 - Y612/06/23Theatre
Patana Primary Music Showcase14/06/23Theatre
Year 2 Sleepover - 1 night stay in school15/06/23Whole School
Whole School Assembly23/06/23Sports Hall

Reminder: School will be closed on Monday and Thursday next week due to national public holidays.

Living our school values: 

A note from Mrs McCormack (Primary Principal):

Dear Parents,

We've had an eventful week at school, with some key events to mention. Our Y3-Y6 students put on a fantastic dance and music assembly that was enjoyed by all. It was wonderful to see our students showcase their talents and their hard work paid off in a stunning performance. Well done to all!

Additionally, over the last two weeks, we have held parent workshops on RSE, which were well-attended and informative. It's crucial that we work together to support our students as they navigate this important area of their lives. Thank you to all who attended and contributed to these valuable discussions.

On Monday, we will be enjoying our staff CPL day with some excellent topics for discussion. Guest speaker Tom Sherrington will be here in person to support us with our journey in the walkthrus and instructional coaching. He is also offering a parent workshop later in the week and we do hope you can attend.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We value your input and are here to support our school community in any way we can.

See you all on Tuesday!


Term 3 - You are what you eat!

Please visit our curriculum pages and class blogs to find out more about this exciting learning!

RSE - Relationships and Sex Education Presentations

Next Week:  

Our learning in PSHE focuses on how humans change as they grow older.  How do our faces change? How do our feelings change? How do our bodies change?

Music - Performance Week

We are excited to have two musical performance opportunities happening soon. Performance week is happening in regular class music lessons during, 8th-12th May. (At the end of Performance Week on Saturday 13th May, we are also holding our Solo Festival for which applications have now closed.)

Performance Week is an opportunity for any child who is learning a musical instrument to perform in front of a small audience during their regular timetabled music lesson. Children can sign up to perform during their music lessons and it is an internal event with no spectators. We encourage all students who learn a musical instrument to participate.

Please support your child to perform if they take lessons on an instrument and please help them to bring their music/instrument on the right day:

Monday 8th May 2B

Tuesday 9th May 2F and 2W

Wednesday 10th May 2M

Thursday 11th May 2A and 2P

Friday 12th May 2J and 2C

IT - Lessons and Resources

This term in ICT we will be learning to create Animations using the App - Flip-A-Clip

The children will learn about frame-by-frame animation and begin to use some different techniques (12 Principles of Animation).

If you want to have a go at home, you can get the free version of the App (contains Ads).

If children make any animations at home, please share them by posting them to us on Teams or Seesaw.

FlipaClip: Create 2D Animation on the App Store (apple.com)

Flip A Clip - Microsoft Apps

See some examples of lesson ideas here - Y2 - Can I create animations? - Bangkok Patana School (fireflycloud.asia)

Year 2 Sleepover - Thursday 15th of June 2023

As part of our PSHE learning in Term 3 about changes and trying new things, we are pleased to share that the Year 2 sleepover will return this year. This involves a one-night stay in school with the teachers. 

The sleepover is a valuable learning experience for our students as it offers the opportunity for them to take a risk and develop independence within a secure and safe environment.

Being away from home can bring up many feelings for young students, so to prepare for this please begin talking about this event at home with your children. 

If you have any immediate questions please contact Mr Joe Bower: jobo@patana.ac.th

General Information

Coronation of King Charles the III - Red, White and Blue

To celebrate the coronation of King Charles III in the Uk. 

On Friday the 5th of May, students are encouraged to wear red, white, and blue clothes or accessories.

Birthday celebrations

We cannot give out party bags or gifts - please keep these for any sort of celebration that you do out of school.

If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher. We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies, doughnuts or cupcakes. Please remember we are a nut-free Primary School.

These children are celebrating birthdays over the holidays...

Hon Chun [Augustine] (2F)

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 2 Rep: 


Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
David Walton dawa@patana.ac.th

Meagan Wilson mewi@patana.ac.th

Joe Bower jobo@patana.ac.th

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