Y2 Newsletter 19.05.23

Upcoming Events

Y2 Swimming Gala17/05/2325m Pool
Whole School Dress Up Day - Heroes!02/06/23Whole School
Public Holiday - School Closed05/06/23Whole School
Busking Day08/06/23Primary School
Dance Extravaganza Y1 - Y612/06/23Theatre
Patana Primary Music Showcase14/06/23Theatre
Year 2 Sleepover - 1 night stay in school15/06/23Whole School
Whole School Assembly23/06/23Sports Hall

A note from Mrs McCormack (Primary Principal):

It has been another rewarding week in Primary, as we have celebrated all of our students' talents with the Swim Galas and the Y3 and Y4 Readers Theatre. I had my first opportunity to MC at the Y2 Swim Gala and it was such fun!

You may have seen that we are getting ready to host Matt Dickinson, award-winning author, filmmaker, and mountaineer. On Monday 29th May at 1 pm, we are being treated to a school assembly (Y3 to Y12) to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the first recorded climb of Mt. Everest and on Friday, 2 June we will be inviting students to dress up as heroes!

Tomorrow and all weekend, I will be at the 21 Century Learning Conference at Verso school. The schedule looks super and I will be focusing on sessions around creativity, student agency and innovation!


Term 3 - You are what you eat!

Please visit our curriculum pages and class blogs to find out more about this exciting learning!

As part of our Humanities topic ‘Why is food important?’ we will explore where food grows. We will also think about how we import foods that do not grow locally and the positive and negative impact that has on the world around us.

With a driving question that dives into why food is important, Year 2 students welcomed a special alumni guest who opened their eyes to the wonders of plants and the significance of locally grown food. 

Mr Udit Dhawan, Grad’08 and owner of local health-food company @pranaafood - Food For Life, encouraged students to discuss the importance of buying local foods and explained how this supports farmers whilst reducing carbon emissions caused by long-distance transportation.

PSHE - Transition and changes

Next Week:  

Our learning in PSHE focuses on emotions related to changes and growing. How we manage some of those emotions and what they might feel like.

Year 2 Sleepover - 15th of June 2023

Soon, it will be the Year 2 Sleepover. For many of our Y2 children, this will be one of the most enjoyable highlights of their year and this will be the first sleepover since 2019. The sleepover provides an opportunity for your child to spend a night away from home, within a safe and familiar environment, surrounded by friends and teachers.

This is an opportunity for each child to demonstrate independence and so we ask that Year 2 becomes a parent-free zone after school on Thursday. 

Please say your goodbyes on Thursday morning and reunite with your child on Friday morning.

You can follow their overnight adventures via the class blogs.

Students will attend Thursday ECAs as normal and then join their class.

All other children will join a range of activities within their classrooms.

Sleeping arrangements

Children sleep on gym mats in classrooms, supervised by their class teacher and other familiar teachers.

Night time provisions

We are aware that some children may require night-time provisions during the sleepover. 

For example, some children may be unable to make it through the night without visiting the toilet, so may need to wear pull-ups to offer additional protection. 

Please contact your child’s class teacher directly if there is anything you need to share with them to ensure that your child feels prepared and at ease during their time away from home.

Health and Safety

There will be a nurse on-site at all times, if your child requires medication in the evening these should be passed to our nurses who will administer them at the appropriate time. 

Please check via the Parents’ Gateway that all medical and contact information is up to date. The school guards patrol our grounds throughout the night.

Personal belongings

Please make sure that personal belongings are labelled and that your child can identify their own things.

Packing checklist

  • ✔ Sleeping bag or sheet/duvet plus a small pillow
  • ✔ Pyjamas / Sleepwear
  • ✔ Toothbrush  & toothpaste in a zip-loc bag
  • ✔ Towel & face cloth (soap available in changing rooms)
  • ✔ Change of clothes for the evening (not school uniform)
  • ✔ Change of clothes for the morning (not school uniform)
  • ✔ Trainers for evening play activities (not flip flops or Crocs)
  • ✔ Torch/flashlight
  • ✔ Reading book / Favourite Story
  • ✔ Cuddly bedtime teddy
  • ❌ Electronic devices and smartwatches are not allowed as per school policy
  • ❌ Please do not pack snacks for your child - food is provided

Collecting your child: Friday 16th June - No school for Year 2

Morning pick-up time: 7.30 – 8.00 from the classrooms

Please arrange to collect your child during this time.

Inform the class teacher if another adult will collect your child.

There are no buses available at this time to transport children home.

You must collect a signed exit slip from your child’s teacher before taking your child home.

The cost of the sleepover is 400 baht and you will be invoiced at a later date.

This covers having a Nurse on call and all meals. 

Please return the permission slip by Monday 5th June 2023.

Heroes Dress Up Day - 02/06/23

Birthday celebrations

We cannot give out party bags or gifts - please keep these for any sort of celebration that you do out of school.

If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher. We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies, doughnuts, or cupcakes. 

Please remember we are a nut-free Primary School and also check with the class teacher for any other dietary requirements of the class.

These children are celebrating their birthdays this week...

Tharitt [Luke] (2A)

Ting An Chloe (2F)

Nansakorn [Bodhi] (2P)

Ramita [Mita] (2B)

Phunrada [Nella] (2C)

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 2 Rep: 


Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
David Walton dawa@patana.ac.th

Meagan Wilson mewi@patana.ac.th

Joe Bower jobo@patana.ac.th

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