Y1 Newsletter 19.5.23

Upcoming Events

Key Stage 1 Assembly led by Mrs McCormack26/5/238:45 Primary Hall
Parent Workshop 'Learning at Patana' 30/5/238:00 a.m. Primary Hall 
Dress up day - theme 'Heroes' (see more below)2/6/23
School Closed - Visakha Bucha Day (Buddhism)5/6/23
Busking Day - charity fundraiser 8/6/23
Key Stage 1 Assembly led by Miss Battram 9/6/23Primary Hall 
Campus Assembly 23/6/237:50 Sports Hall 

Thanks to all who were able to attend the Swimming Gala this week! 

  Here is a compilation of photos and clips from our school photographer.  Enjoy!

A note from the Principal

19 May 2023

A note from the Principal

It has been another rewarding week in Primary, as we have celebrated all of our students talents with the Swim Galas and the Y3 and Y4 Readers Theatre. I had my first opportunity to MC at the Y2 Swim Gala and it was such fun!

You may have seen that we are getting ready to host Matt Dickinson, award winning author, film maker and mountaineer. On Monday 29th May at 1pm, we are being treated to a school assembly (Y3 to Y12) to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the first recorded climb of Mt. Everest and on Friday, 2 June we will be inviting students to dress up as heroes!

Tomorrow and all weekend, I will be at the 21 Century Learning Conference at Verso school. The schedule looks super and I will be focusing on sessions around creativity, student agency and innovation!

Sarah McCormack


To find out more about his visit, watch this.  

Amazing Thailand 

Our theme of learning this term is all about Thailand.  You can find out more on our Curriculum pages.  

RSE - session for next week

LI: Can I name body parts? 

Next week we will be looking at names of body parts, including genitals.  

We will be using the key vocabulary of nipples, vulva, vagina, penis and testicles. 

We will be looking at the differences we can see and the differences we cannot see in people.  

E.g. We both wear glasses but I like football and he likes to dance.  

1.   Baby growing video - for Y3 students only 

2. Pantasaurus - Y1, Y2 and Y3 

3. Talking to kids about sexual abuse - video for parents.  

From the PTG

General Information

The Y1 students have been challenged to start earning 5 and 10 baht coins to use when going around and watching the KS2 students performing.  

Snacks - Nut Free School

We provided tasty and nutritious snacks each day for the students in class. As some of our children have allergies, please ensure any food sent to school does not contain any sort of nut.

Birthday celebrations

We cannot give out party bags or gifts - please keep these for any sort of celebration that you do out of school.

If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher. We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies, doughnuts or cupcakes. Please remember we are a nut-free Primary School.

The following people are celebrating their birthdays: 








Athicha [Athi]


Have a wonderful day!

Please click the picture below to visit your child's class blog.  

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 1 Rep: Ritu


Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
Kerry Meaden-Kendrick keme@patana.ac.th
Patrick O'Connor paoc@patana.ac.th

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