Term 3: Amazing Thailand

To support learning, please do not read these books at home before we read them in school. 

Learning Theme: Amazing Thailand
The Big Idea: We live in an incredible country...but what do we know about it? In this unit of learning, we will investigate what makes Thailand so special. 
Our Driving Question: What makes Thailand special?
Patana Values Focus
Well-being: We are motivated and engaged. 
Learning: We are collaborative and confident communicators. 
Global Citizenship: We are conscientious role models. 


As writers we will...As readers we will...
- have our own ideas. 

- rehearse sentences and sequence them to form short narratives and non-fiction texts. 

- use adjectives to add description.

- use 'and' and 'because' to join words and clauses. 

- use the correct verb tense when speaking and begin to incorporate this in our writing. 

- use capital letters and full stops correctly and experiment with a wider range of punctuation.

- spell common exception words correctly. 

- use our growing phonetic knowledge to sound talk and spell new words. 

- begin to add prefixes (un) and suffixes (like -s, -es, -ed) to root words. 

- form most letters and digits correctly, with some difference between upper and lowercase letters. 

- use spacing between words that reflects the size of the letters. 

- use a range of strategies to read unfamiliar words. 

- use punctuation cues to improve fluency. 

- make links between our own experiences and what we have read. 

- use key features of texts to answer questions (i.e. contents, index). 

- Consider why an author has written a text and how it makes us feel. 

- share book recommendations. 

- talk about our favourite books and explain why we like them. 

- make predictions using clues from the text. 

- begin to use key events and characters to summarise parts of a text.

- ask questions about characters, settings and events. 

- use clues to make inferences about what we have read. 

- use role-play to show understanding of key events and characters. 


Place ValueAddition & SubtractionMeasurement
- count numbers to 100 forwards and backwards from 0 and 1.

- represent numbers in different ways. 

- read and write numbers to 100 in numerals. 

- read and write numbers to 20 in words. 

- identify one more and one less than a given number. 

- add and subtract numbers to 20. 

- solve one-step problems using concrete and pictorial strategies. 

- solve missing number problems using concrete and pictorial strategies. 

- sequence events in chronological order using language (before, after, today, yesterday, morning, afternoon, evening). 

- recognise and use language relating to dates including days of the week, months and years. 

- tell the time to the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times. 

- recognise and know the value of Thai coins and notes up to 100 baht. 

Year 1 Curriculum

Through Playful Learning we will...

ScienceHumanitiesArt & DT
- identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants including deciduous and evergreen plants. 

- identify the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants including trees. 

- name and locate the 7 continents and 5 oceans. 

- begin to understand geographical similarities and differences. 

- look at weather in the world in relation to the equator. 

- use maps, atlases and globes as well as simple positional language (left, right, near, far). 

- use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical features and human features. 

- learn about and be inspired by Thai artists.

PSHEThai Language & CultureMusicPhysical Education
- learn about our bodies. 

- begin to think about our transition into Year 2. 

-listen to and respond to simple instructions.

- learn key vocabulary to support our visit to Erawan Temple.

- compose and perform our own rhythm patterns. 

- listen to some of the traditional music of Thailand.

During Terms 2 and 3 classes within the year group will rotate around the units of Net and Striking and Fielding Games, Dance and OAA (outdoor and adventurous activities) as well as continuing with their weekly swimming lessons.

The following statements are a starting point of what students should aim to develop in each unit.

- choose actions and link them with sounds and music

respond imaginatively and creatively to a variety of stimuli through dance and movement

demonstrate stamina and techniques in my swimming

use a racket to hit a ball in a direction of my choosing

track a ball and catch/hit it using my hands and a variety of equipment

play as a member of a team as a striker/hitter and as a fielding team player

develop my ability to strike/hit a ball and to retrieve the ball as a fielder

work as an individual and cooperatively as a member of a group to solve various problems and begin to understand that there may be many solutions to any given situation

understand the effects of exercise on my body and the importance of staying healthy

Through child-led play in our shared areas we will focus on the Characteristics of Effective Learning:

If you have any questions regarding the Year 1 Curriculum please contact:

  • Meagan Wilson - Head of Year: Curriculum & Assessment (mewi@patana.ac.th)
  • Mark Verde - Assistant Primary Principal Learning & Curriculum (mavd@patana.ac.th )