Term 1b: All Around the World!

To support learning, please do not read these books at home before we have shared them at school. 

Learning Theme: All Around the World!
The Big Idea:
Everywhere we go, things are different! This term, we will explore the world around us. We will learn about different cultures and celebrations and consider the geographical differences (like seasons) that impact our everyday life. 
Our Driving Question: What is it like in different parts of the world? 
Patana Values Focus
Well-being: We are king, compassionate and respectful. 
Learning: We are rigorous, inquisitive and creative. 
Global Citizenship: We are ethical and informed.


As writers we will...As readers we will...
- start to have our own ideas. 

- say each sentence out loud before writing it. 

- read our own writing.

- write simple sentences.

- begin to use adjectives to add description.

- begin to use 'and' to join words and clauses. 

- begin to use capital letters and full stops correctly. 

- begin to spell common exception words correctly. 

- use our growing phonetic knowledge to sound talk and spell new words. 

- form most lowercase letters correctly starting and finishing in the right place. 

- begin to use finger spaces. 

- use a range of strategies to read unfamiliar words. 

- Begin to use punctuation cues to improve fluency. 

- Begin to make links between our own experiences and what we have read. 

- Identify the parts of a book. 

- Consider why an author has written a text and how it makes us feel. 

- Enjoy listening to and reading books. 

- Begin to talk about our favourite books and explain why we like them. 

- Make predictions using clues from the text. 

- Use time words to retell a familiar story. 

- Ask questions about characters, settings and events. 

- Use clues to make inferences about what we have read. 


Place ValueAddition & SubtractionGeometry: Shape
- count numbers to 100 forwards and backwards from 0 and 1.

- represent numbers in different ways. 

- read and write numbers to 100 in numerals. 

- read and write numbers to 20 in words. 

- identify one more and one less than a given number. 

- add and subtract numbers to 20. 

- solve one-step problems using concrete and pictorial strategies. 

- solve missing number problems using concrete and pictorial strategies. 

- Recognise and name common 2D and 3D shapes.

Year 1 Curriculum

Through Playful Learning we will...

ScienceHumanitiesArt & DT
 - learn about the different seasons in Thailand and in other parts of the world. 

- describe weather associated with different seasons. 

- name and locate the 7 continents and 5 oceans. 

- begin to understand geographical similarities and differences. 

- look at weather in the world in relation to the equator. 

- use maps, atlases and globes as well as simple positional language (left, right, near, far). 

- explore celebrations like Ramadan, Diwali and Christmas through construction, use of fabric, print making and painting.

PSHEThai Language & CultureMusicICTPhysical Development
- learn about the importance of healthy eating and sleep. 

- learn the importance of privacy and consent.

- consider how we can make a difference in the world.

- learn to use words about fruits, money and shopping in simple dialogues.

- answer questions about Thai holidays.
- discover more about singing, keeping a beat and using instruments. 

- practice keeping a steady beat and playing different rhythms while singing lots of different songs.

- describe and solve problems using sequenced commands. 

- use programmable robots, coding games and computational thinking. 
- continuing to focus on our understanding the effects of different types of exercise on the body and the importance of staying healthy.

- perform learned gymnastic skills safely and with control followed by linking our gymnastic skills together to build simple sequences.

 - develop our stamina and techniques in our swimming.
Through child-led play in our shared areas we will focus on the Characteristics of Effective Learning:

If you have any questions regarding the Year 1 Curriculum please contact:

  • Meagan Wilson - Head of Year: Curriculum & Assessment (mewi@patana.ac.th) 
  • Mark Verde - Vice Primary Principal Learning and Curriculum (mavd@patana.ac.th )