Term 1a: This is Me!

To support learning, please do not read these books at home before we have shared them at school.

Learning Theme: This is Me!
The Big Idea:
We are all unique individuals...but what makes each of us special? This term, the children will reflect on what they know about themselves and those around them. We will celebrate what makes us unique and explore our similarities. We will begin to consider what really makes us who we are. 
Our Driving Question: What makes me unique?

 Patana Values Focus
Well-being: We are protected, safe and secure.
Learning: We are critical, reflective thinkers. 
Global Citizenship: We are diverse and inclusive.


As writers we will...As readers we will...
- start to have our own ideas. 

- say each sentence out loud before writing it. 

- read our own writing.

- write simple sentences.

- begin to use adjectives to add description.

- begin to use 'and' to join words and clauses. 

- begin to use capital letters and full stops correctly. 

- begin to spell common exception words correctly. 

- use our growing phonetic knowledge to sound talk and spell new words. 

- form most lowercase letters correctly starting and finishing in the right place. 

- begin to use finger spaces. 

- use a range of strategies to read unfamiliar words. 

- begin to use punctuation cues to improve fluency. 

- begin to make links between our own experiences and what we have read. 

- identify the parts of a book. 

- consider why an author has written a text and how it makes us feel. 

- enjoy listening to and reading books. 

- begin to talk about our favourite books and explain why we like them. 

- make predictions using clues from the text. 

- use time words to retell a familiar story. 

- ask questions about characters, settings and events. 

- use clues to make inferences about what we have read. 


Place ValueAddition & Subtraction
- count numbers to 100 forwards and backwards from 0 and 1.

- represent numbers in different ways. 

- read and write numbers to 100 in numerals. 

- read and write numbers to 20 in words. 

- identify one more and one less than a given number. 

- add and subtract numbers to 20. 

- solve one-step problems using concrete and pictorial strategies. 

- solve missing number problems using concrete and pictorial strategies. 

Year 1 Curriculum

Through Playful Learning we will...

ScienceHumanitiesArt & DT
- identify common animals and sort them using the five main animal classes: mammal, fish, amphibian, reptile and bird. 

- consider what different animals eat and if they are an carnivore, omnivore or herbivore. 

- name and describe animal body parts like nose, ears, flipper, tusk and hoof. 

- explore which parts of the body are associated with which of the five senses. 

- develop an awareness of the past and use key vocabulary to describe the passing of time like day, week, month and year. 

- learn how we can find out about the past in different ways. 

- begin putting events in chronological order. 

- explore drawing and painting skills through portrait art.

- experiment with portrait photography.                  
PSHEThai Language & CultureMusicICTPhysical Development
- think about what a good learning environment looks like, sounds like and feels like. 

- think about how we treat ourselves and those around us. 

- what we can do when something goes wrong.

- learn to understand 
and respond to basic greetings and simple instructions.  

- use words about myself, my family and numbers in simple conversation.
- develop our sense of steady beat and learn how the beat is different to the rhythm.
- control our device

- use input devices with accuracy and purpose

- access sites, files and apps

- be creative and express ourselves
- we will experience a wide range of ball skills/ games play and gymnastics.

- continue to develop and improve our water confidence and stroke technique during swimming.
Through child-led play in our shared areas we will focus on the Characteristics of Effective Learning:

If you have any questions regarding the Year 1 Curriculum please contact:

  • Meagan Wilson - Head of Year: Curriculum & Assessment (mewi@patana.ac.th) 
  • Mark Verde - Vice Primary Principal Learning and Curriculum (mavd@patana.ac.th)