Advanced Search

Intelligent Searching

Learning intention - Can I use advanced internet searches? 

Success Criteria

I can use the advanced search features of a search engine

Super Success Criteria

I can use Google operator shortcuts in my searches

I can use the advanced features of a search engine

Click here for - Google advanced search

Google advanced search allows you to be far more specific with your searching!

There are shortcuts to use these features in the normal search and you can see those next to the advanced search boxes.

Challenge - Search for the following using the advanced search - You should end up with only 1 result.

- all these words: fish pike

- this exact word or phrase: freshwater fish

- none of these words: weapon

- language: English

- region: United Kingdom

- last update: past year

- terms appearing: in the title of the page

Print screen or snip your advanced search page and put it in your word document.

Print screen or snip your results and put them in your word document.

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