Lesson 7 & 8: Creating and Sharing Your Tracks

Post your findings to your Google Classroom Wall! 

Task 1

Your band needs a name! Get thinking!

Task 2

You need to be ready to record your music. On the top bar there is a record function. Hit it and save your file as a .WAV. Give your track a name.

Want to trim the ends off to make it snappy?

Go to: https://audiotrimmer.com/

Task 3.

Post your team's code to the classroom wall with you .WAV file from task 2.

Task 4.

Find someone else's music from the wall and remix it. Save it as a .WAV and re-post to the wall.

Task 5.

Vote for the best track on the classroom wall. 

Use your front camera to tell everyone why you think this is the best track. What was special about it? How did the chords progress? What was the beat like? How do you feel about the whole track? Why is it better than others?

Save your video. Post to The Wall.

Learning Intention:

Can I code music?

Success Criteria:

I can create a track with chords.

I can link chords together in live_loops

I can create a composition of sounds that compliment each other.

I can remix a track and re-post

I can give a reaction piece to the track.

Mehackit Sonic Pi for learning everything about Sonic Pi. Click the image above.