Challenge 4 - Credit and Copyright

Credit and copyright:

How would you feel if your work displayed on the wall, had someone else's name on it?

Did you know that whenever you create something new (like a poem, story or other artwork), you as the creator, automatically own the copyright to it

What is Copyright?

Copyright is a form of protection given to the authors or creators of "original works of authorship," including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic and other intellectual works. What that means is that, as the author of the work, you alone have the right to do any of the following or to let others do any of the following:

- make copies of your work;

- distribute copies of your work;

- perform your work publicly (such as for plays, film, dances or music);

- display your work publicly (such as for artwork, or stills from audiovisual works, or any material used on the Internet or television);

Why Should I Care About Copyright?

When you create something, aren't you proud of your work when you spend a lot of time and energy creating it? 

How about that social studies report you finally finished, that poem for your Mom that made her smile, that cool logo you came up with for your soccer team, the great song you wrote for the school play, or even your journal that you don't "have" to do but you enjoy it so much and it's special to you? 

Well, all these are your creations and you'd probably be pretty upset if someone just copied any of them without your permission. 

That's where copyright comes in. Copyright law gives you a set of rights that prevents other people from copying your work and doing other things with your work that you may not like.

Giving credit if you are using other people's creations on the internet:

What is credit?

If you use a picture someone else has taken or drawn or copy some writing someone else has written you need to give them credit.

An example of giving credit to a photo

You would usually put 3 pieces of information below the picture:

1) Name of person created it or photographed it

2) The date it was drawn or taken

3) The website you got it from

On your Google Doc - Smart Searching:

1) In your own words write down what Copyright is and why you should care about it!

2) Find a photo using Google image search and make you give credit at the bottom

3) Create  a new Blog Post - Called Smart Searching

4) Blog your completed Google Doc to a new blog post using the Firefly menus.

Learning Intention:

Can I explain the importance of copyright?

Success Criteria:

I can learn about copyright and ownership

I can consider the effects of copying other peoples creations

I can credit my sources correctly