Challenge 3: Conditionals While loops

Coding with While Loops

A while loop is one of the most common types of loop. The main characteristic of a while loop is that it will repeat a set of instructions based on a condition.

If the condition is  TRUE, the code inside it will keep repeating. 

We use this kind of loop when we don't know the exact number of times a code needs to be executed.

While block is detected forward, destroy and move forward.

Build a bridge. While NOT block below, place block until reach land. 

Three part problem: Tower, repeats and ladders

1. Build a tower, left, front and right. Repeat 10 blocks high.

2. Fall 10 blocks to the ground.

3. Build a ladder 10 blocks through the center of the tower. 

4. Move a block forward.

With a partner or team of three.

Final task. Save the bears and bring the cub together with its family by joining the center mini iceberg with bridges using while loops.

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Learning Intention:

Can I solve problems with code?

Success Criteria

I know how to sequence commands

I can test and debug

I can Block-program in Microsoft MakeCode.

I can solve problems through coding.

I can share and support my classmates

Teacher Resources

Educator Guide