Y4 - Tower of Treasure

Y4 will be reseting passwords after the half term holiday.

Link here - Full Screen

Protecting your personal information and that of others.
Using good habits for securing hardware and software.
Two-step verification 
A security process where logging in to a service requires two steps. For example, you may have to enter your password and enter a code that was sent to your mobile phone. 
Security token  
A key fob or other small hardware device that you carry in order to authorise access.
A secret combination used to access something.
A person who uses a computer to gain access to private information without permission.
Someone who cheats or tricks someone else into giving away their private information or even money.

Plenary - Tower of Treasure should get you thinking.

• What are the elements of a super-strong password? 

• When is it important to create strong passwords in real life? 

• What tips have you learned about how to do so? 

• Whatʼs a hacker? Describe this characterʼs behaviour and how they affect the game. 

• Did Tower of Treasure change the way you plan to protect your information in the future? 

• Name one thing youʼll do differently after learning these lessons and playing the game. 

• Craft three practice passwords that pass the ‘super strong’ test. 

• What are some examples of sensitive information that should be protected?

Learning Intention

Can I keep my data secure?

Success Criteria

I can explain why it’s important to keep personal information private online.

I can describe ways to keep personal information private online by using safety tools and privacy settings. 

I can describe how to find and ask for help if someone feels unsafe online.


  1. I really liked the tower of treasure,because it challenged me a lot,but I still DID IT!!;):)

    Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:iSAMSstu:13255, 29/01/2020 at 09:31