Y3 - Kind Kingdom


Respect Each Other

The internet amplifies everything: good things seem more exciting, bad things seem much worse and can hurt – a lot. A great rule to live by online, as well as off, is ‘treat others as you would like to be treated yourself’. Children can have a positive impact on others and stop bullying in its tracks by refusing to join in.

Set an Example

  • Be a force for good. Use the power of the internet to be nice, not nasty.
  • Stop the spread of harmful or untrue messages by not passing them on to others.
  • Respect others’ differences.

Lead the way

  • Block mean, upsetting or inappropriate behaviour online.
  • Be a Legend. Step in and provide support to those being bullied.
  • Encourage everyone to speak up against, and report, online bullying.
Unwanted, aggressive behaviour that is repeated (or has the potential to be repeated) over time. Bystander Someone who has the power to intervene or report bad behaviour, but doesnʼt do anything to stop it.
 Someone who intervenes to stop and/or report inappropriate behaviour. 
To create an unpleasant or hostile situation with uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct.  
To make something louder or stronger.
To help prevent an individual from accessing your profile, sending you messages, etc

What actions can you take as a bystander?

Online activity

Learning Intention

Can I stand up to unkind behaviour?

Success Criteria

✓ Define what being positive means and looks like online and offline. 

✓ Lead with positivity in online communications. 

✓ Identify situations in which a trusted adult should be consulted.

I can reflect on my learning

Activity Resources