3. Browsers: Experimenting With Settings

Why Use Firefox?

Many people have asked "Why use Firefox, when Google Chrome is perfectly good?"

The main fact is that we all sign into Chrome with accounts other than our school accounts - usually Gmail or another free service.

Google reads and tracks your activity in your mail, calendar and each and every tab you have open while you are signed into Chrome. Once you sign into Chrome and Google.com at the same time then both link up to follow you even more closely as you switch from device to device. If you sign into an iPad with your Google account then both devices know all your web activity.

This knowledge is then sold to companies you will see in the following video and there is no real way to block this in Chrome because Google controls what the extensions can do. They also make around 80% of their money from selling your activity mostly through their company DoubleClick.net that Google bought in 2008.

Firefox and a few other special versions of Chrome don't collect your data and sell it. Only the websites you visit will do this. In Firefox we can can stop this and protect ourselves with the extensions you installed in the previous lesson.

Everyone: Follow this clip [Firefox Vs Edge (Chromium) Vs Google Chrome] below as it has all the tasks within it.

Once you know how this all works from the examples in the video, follow the tasks.

Your final Task: Go into your usual pages and see what is tracking you. Unblock your pages but BLOCK/ UNTRUST Trackers.

Finally, experiment with your pages, try YouTube as a starting point to see all the trackers in there that follow you around the web..

Learning Intention 

Can I access the web? Can I block tackers? 

Can I Control new Add-ons to the Firefox Browser? 

Success Criteria 

I can download, install and control and add-on .

I can block trackers and adverts that follow me around the web.

i can make my day-to-day pages work correctly without all the trackers and adverts.