Thursday 26th March

Ms Sarah likes to move it, move it!

Keeping Children Safe Online...

Please support your children's online safety by sharing our continued learning code of conduct here:

Wake up and shake up with Ms Rachel and friends - do you think you could join in with the actions to this song? 

Dancing uses different muscles than simply standing and walking around does, which strengthens them. Through dance, children learn to coordinate and control their bodies and the movement helps them develop spatial awareness.

These are some ideas for learning at home today. Please do share any home learning with your child's class teacher via ILD. You can leave a comment by clicking the icon 'Add Comment' at the bottom of the blog - all comments will need to be approved by a teacher before you see them. 

Expressive art and design!

Encouraging children to choose and use materials and resources in an open-ended way helps them to make choices and to have confidence in their own ideas. 

Share the story of 'The Dot' and watch Ms Julie's video below. Can you create your own dot or even change the shape to include straight lines? If you don't have paint at home, you could use colouring pens, fingers dipped in tomato ketchup - anything!

นิทานเรื่อง จุด

เด็กๆ สามารถที่จะสร้าง จุด ในแบบของตัวเองได้ไหม? เด็กๆ อาจจะเปลี่ยนไปสร้างรูปทรง ที่มีเส้นตรงประกอบด้วยได้ไหมนะ?

Snack time! It's not too late to join our healthy snack gallery this week - please email any pictures to Mr Dan ( and he will add them to the blog before Friday!

Look who is in our healthy snack gallery this week!

Physical Development - mark making!

Did you know there are 34 muscles in the hand and 18 in the forearm? All of these muscles take time and exercise to gain good control. Mark Making needs to be a positive and happy experience so we often remove the physically challenging aspect of gripping a tool whilst children are developing this skill and simply let them mark make with their little fingers instead!

You can make your own sensory mark making tray with salt! You can make zig zags, loops, spirals etc.. Can you make a circle using an Anti clockwise formation? Most letters are formed in an anti clockwise direction so its great for children to get into the habit of mark making in this direction!

การฝึกกล้ามเนื้อมือและนิ้ว โดยใช้ ถุงนุ่มที่ทำได้ด้วยตัวเอง เด็กๆสามารถสร้างรูปทรง หรือ ตัวอักษร อะไรได้บ้าง? เด็กๆ สามารถเขียนชื่อตัวเองได้ไหม ?

You could even try to make a 'squishy bag' to practice (clean) mark making. You will need: 1 cup of flour, 6 tablespoons of water and food colouring. You will also need zip-lock lunch bags (22cm x 22cm), sticky tape and a small mixing bowl. Instructions for making squishy bags are here and some ideas for the fun you can have with them are here.

Lunch time - choosing healthy food is fun!

Phonics time!

Identifying initial sounds in words is a very important audio skill in phonic development. Hearing the sounds in words comes before recognising phonemes (letters). Without these audio skills, children can not blend and segment sounds in words. This is why ‘tuning into sound’ is such an important stage in early reading skills.

FS1 - Play ‘I Spy’ 

For example; "I spy with my little eye something beginning with ‘b’." Let the child look around the room and guess the object you are thinking of. Answer: Ball

FS1 - เล่นเกมส์ ‘I Spy’ ยกตัวอย่างเช่น “ฉันมองเห็นบางอย่าง ที่เริ่มต้นด้วยเสียง ‘b’ (เบอะ)” ให้เด็กๆมองหารอบๆห้องกับ และลองทายสิ่งของ ที่ผปค.หมายถึง และให้สลับกันทาย

FS2 - sh and ch hunt!

Choose one of your favourite story books - how many times can you find the sounds sh and ch in there? Which one of your books has the most  sh and ch in them? Can you practice writing down three sh and ch words that you've found? 

FS2 - เล่นคล้ายๆกับ FS1 แต่ให้หาในหนังสือแทน ยกตัวอย่างเช่น ให้เด็กๆ หาเสียง ‘b เบอะ’ แล้วถามเด็กๆว่า พวกเขา สามารถหาคำที่เกิดจากเสียงนั้น ได้กี่ครั้ง เลือกมา 3 คำ แล้ว เขียนลงในกระดาษ

Little Inventors Update!

The 'Little Inventors Challenge' gives children the opportunity to develop and showcase their creativity and problem-solving skills, build their confidence, curiosity and resilience. See our blog from Wednesday 25th for more details!

Look at these Little Inventors who have taken up the challenge so far! 

Mr Dan would love to add any more pictures of models or designs of new inventions to this blog - please email them to him ( if you want to share!

If you wanted to add your idea to Dominic's website, just ask your Mummy and Daddy to follow the instructions at this link!

Story Time!

Due to potential copyright issues, please do not download or share these stories - thank you.

Goodbye! See you all tomorrow