Year 6 Newsletter 6.11.20

Living our Values

We are: respectful contributors to our local and digital community

Upcoming Events

Event         Date     LocationWho's Involved
3-Way Conferences11th and 12th NovemberClassroomsParents, students and staff
Country Spot light events
Beginning 18th November
Primary Snack Bar
Year 6 Sports Day23rd NovemberBack hard court and back field
Students only
Block 1 ECAs end6th NovemberWhole schoolStudents only
Block 2 ECAs start23rd NovemberVarious locationsStudents and staff


Need to cancel your ECA?

Global Citizenship

Country Spotlight Activities in the run up to International Day – Wednesday November 18th

These activities start next week and this is an excellent way to broaden the learning opportunities for our students.

Every day, there will be an activity related to one or more countries or cultures.

All activities will run during lunchtime from a stall near to the Primary Snack Bar.


Primary School: Term 1 Conferences

3-Way Conferences: Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th November

  • Wednesday 11th November is a normal school day. Conferences take place after school. Students will go home at 2.30pm unless they have a selective ECA.
  • Thursday 12th November will not be a normal school day for Nursery to Year 6. Students will only come to school with you for their appointment slot (students must be dressed in school uniform). Foundation Stage and Year 1 students do not need to attend the parent-teacher conferences.
  • Home Language - Dutch Group Key Stage 2
  • Home Language - Singapore Mandarin Key Stage 2
  • Tennis Academy – Junior Tigers
  • Gymnastics Academy Team training - Year 3 to 6
  • Tigersharks Swim Academy Year 3 and above
  • FOBISIA swim trials will also take place on Wednesday 11th November after school.
  • Students using school transport will automatically be put on their default bus at 2.30, unless they have a selective ECA.
  • If your child uses school transport, but will not use the bus on the afternoon of their Conference, please contact Transport ( to cancel the bus home.
  • There will be no school buses running for Nursery to Year 6 students on Thursday 12th November. You will need to bring your child to school and take them home after their conference.
  • The library will be open for you to visit before or after your child’s appointment with the class teacher. It is an opportunity to speak to our teacher librarians about books and authors your child might enjoy to encourage them to read widely and explore a larger variety of genres. It is also an opportunity to explore the different resources we have available to help immerse your child in language and excite them about reading.
  • There will be an opportunity to celebrate your child’s learning in ICT from Years 1 - 6. Please visit our ICT suites located in the Year 1 and 2 building to view your child’s new learning.


Wednesday 11th November– only the following Selective ECAs will run:

Thursday 12th November - All ECAs are cancelled on Thursday 12th November.

School Transport:

Wednesday 11th November:

Thursday 12th November:

Our Libraries during the 3-Way Conferences:

  • The library will be open for you to visit before or after your child’s appointment with the class teacher. It is an opportunity to speak to our teacher librarians about books and authors your child might enjoy to encourage them to read widely and explore a larger variety of genres. It is also an opportunity to explore the different resources we have available to help immerse your child in language and excite them about reading.

ICT during the 3-Way Conferences

  • There will be an opportunity to celebrate your child’s learning in ICT from Years 1 - 6. Please visit our ICT suites located in the Year 1 and 2 building to view your child’s new learning.

Happy Birthday to: 

6E Taylor Tanwaar
6E van den Berg Mawin
6S Tantapakul Edward
6S Yamakawa Hiroto

     Tanwaar & Mawin  (6E)        Edward & Hiroto  (6S)   

We are now pleased to announce that students celebrating birthdays may bring in donuts or cupcakes to share with their class. Please do not send in candles or cakes that need to be cut and remember, NO NUTS!

General information


Lost Property

Parents and children are encouraged to search lost property before purchasing replacement items.

Please visit or scan the code and log in.

DepartmentContact Number Email 
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 6 Rep - Amrita (Dolly) Chansrichawla

Primary Representative - Amelie Buysschaert

Year Group Leaders
Leader of Learning and Welfare: Ms Sarah Dibley

Leader of Learning and Curriculum: Ms Carly Peart