We are motivated and engaged
A note from the Principal
19 May 2023
A note from the Principal
It has been another rewarding week in Primary, as we have celebrated all of our students talents with the Swim Galas and the Y3 and Y4 Readers Theatre. I had my first opportunity to MC at the Y2 Swim Gala and it was such fun!
You may have seen that we are getting ready to host Matt Dickinson, award winning author, film maker and mountaineer. On Monday 29th May at 1pm, we are being treated to a school assembly (Y3 to Y12) to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the first recorded climb of Mt. Everest and on Friday, 2 June we will be inviting students to dress up as heroes!
Tomorrow and all weekend, I will be at the 21 Century Learning Conference at Verso school. The schedule looks super and I will be focusing on sessions around creativity, student agency and innovation!
Sarah McCormack
Key Dates
Event | Date | Location |
Heroes Dress up Day | 2nd June | Primary School |
Public Holiday - School Closed | 5th June | |
Busking Day | 8th June | Primary School |
Dance Extravaganza Y1-Y6 | 12th June | Theatre |
Whole School End of Year Assembly | 23rd June | Sports Hall |
Gum, candy, giant sized snack bags
We are seeing a number of students coming into school with gum, sweets (candies) and huge bags of snacks. Please check your child is bringing appropriate snacks into school.
Gum and sweets are not permitted in school or on the school bus. Students are aware that these will be kept by the class teacher for collection by parents or guardians, if seen in school.
Students are not permitted to share snacks so should not bring in grab bags, or multi-packs of cookies and snacks.
Global Citizenship
Busking Day
Matt Dickinson - watch this clip to find out more about our visiting author!
New PE Blocks
Answering questions about sex and gender
Although sex and gender does not form a major part of our Primary RSE curriculum, students may have questions.
Our view is that genuine questions deserve a response - but the response may need thinking through first.
If a student asks a question in school, we may provide a brief response depending on age and context - or we may suggest that the question is better answered at home.
Definitions of sex and gender can be confusing, so you may find these agreed definitions and responses helpful.
Child friendly explanation of a person’s sex and gender
RSE - reproduction
Next week (Monday), the students will learn about reproduction and how babies are made through sexual reproduction.
Videos used in the lesson next week
Music in Secondary
Please ensure you and your child have watched this options video and looked together through the booklet
- Y6 Students have already visited the Secondary Music Department, where they observed all ensembles during this time.
- Ensemble Choice Form will be issued to parents on Monday 22nd May
- Ensemble Choice Form deadline Thursday 25th May
Please note that we are asking students to think about their choice of ensemble NOT instrument
- Your Child’s Ensemble will be announced in August.
Any questions about music options in Year 7, please contact Ms MacRitchie: lama@patana.ac.th
General Information
Happy Birthday to Tony in 6F!
Birthday Treats
We are a NUT FREE school. Children may bring in a special treat to share with the class.
Please contact the class teacher to arrange a suitable time.
- Brownies, cupcakes and individual cake slices are easier for your child to give out.
- Please reduce plastic packaging as much as possible - please no bubble teas, fizzy drinks or caffeine drinks.
- We do not allow party bags or other gifts to be given out at school, either for birthdays, or other celebrations.
Temporary Guardianship Form - let us know if both parents are going away and leaving a student with a friend, nanny or a maid.
Important Contacts
Department | Contact Number | |
Primary Office | 02 785 2258 | primary@patana.ac.th |
Transport | 02 785 2470 | transport@patana.ac.th |
Primary Nurse | 02 785 2478 02 785 5460 | nurse@patana.ac.th |
ECAs | 02 785 2231 | eca@patana.ac.th |
PTG | Year 6 PTG Rep is ptgy6@patana.ac.th Primary Representative - Apollo Chansrichawlat ptgprimary@patana.ac.th | |
Year Group Leaders | Leader of Learning and Welfare: Ms Sarah Dibley sadi@patana.ac.th Leader of Learning and Curriculum: Mr Todd Thornback toth@patana.ac.th Assistant Leader of Learning: Mr Alex Lowe allw@patana.ac.th |