Year 6 Newsletter 19.02.21

We are: Diverse and Inclusive

Upcoming Events

Event         Date     LocationWho's Involved
Half Term Break
WB 25th January
Patana Community
Primary Residential Week 2 (6S, 6T, 6P & 6D)
1st - 5th March Patana
Students & Staff


Primary Residentials - important updates


Please bring in any medicine that your child will need for residential to the Primary Nurse on the morning of departure if you have not done so already.

Any medicine MUST be given to the Primary Nurse and must be fully labelled with instructions. Nothing should remain with your child for the trip.

No electronic devices or ‘tech wearables’ on Primary Residentials

We expect that all electronic devices are kept at home during your child’s Primary Residential.

This includes GPS trackers, mobile phones and smart watches of any brand.

Any electronic devices or tech wearables will be removed for safekeeping by the accompanying staff and returned to you upon our return.

Please give yourselves permission to take a short break from parenting duties whilst our wonderful teachers look after your child.


Students will be expected to keep their masks on whilst on coaches and minivans. 

Students are now allowed to bring snacks with them; however, these must be packed in with their luggage not their hand luggage as they will not be permitted to eat snacks on the bus. When we stop for a toilet break, students will be given a snack. These will be provided by the school.

Please click the link to our residential blog

Kit list

Please visit our Year 6 class blogs to find out more about the learning in Year 6

PE Term 2

Well being


A reminder that there will be no regular ECAs during the Primary Residentials (weeks starting 15th Feb and 1st March).

All ECAs will resume again on Monday 8th March. The only activities that will run are listed below;

Tigersharks Swim Academy Years 3 to 6

Gymnastics Academy Years 3 to 6

Tennis Academy - Tigers Select group Wednesday and Friday

Dutch - Week 1 Tuesday Year 3 and 4 Week 2 Tuesday and Wednesday

Mandarin Years 3 to 6 (Except Tuesday 16th Feb)

Dance Academy (Monday Junior Dance Company, Tuesday Cheerleading, Wednesday K pop primary, Thursday Development company and Boys Team, Friday Mini Dance Company and Mini Development Dance Company).

Please ensure that your child has clear end of the day arrangements.

If you are running late to collect your child, please let the Primary Office know. We will ask your child to wait for you in the Primary Office.


Happy Birthday to all of the students celebrating their birthdays:

6C Kieran
6D Nico
6E Scarlett
6F Riley
6P Ally [Alexandra]
6S Annetta

We are a NUT FREE school. Please when ordering birthday treats double check before bringing treats on the campus. Many toppings offered by some donut shops have flaked almonds in their toppings and peanut butter fillings.

  • Individual treats can be brought into school before 8 a.m. or after 2 p.m.
  • Please agree a time with the teacher in advance.
  • Children will be expected to eat any birthday treats in their classroom.

General information

Online FOBISIA Strategic Plan Cover Design Competition 2021


More Info & Registration: CLICK HERE

Y6 Parent Readers

After half-term, we are hoping to start up a Parent Reader programme. The programme involves listening to individual students reading and supporting them with their comprehension and fluency. 

If you are interested in joining the programme and are willing to commit to a weekly time, please contact Mr Jones at For those interested, we will then contact you with further information.

Parent Workshops: 

All parent workshops are postponed for Term 2 and will be rescheduled for the next academic year as gatherings at conferences, seminars and presentations are currently limited to 100 people.

Smart watches, trackers and other wearable technology in school

Many students now wear some kind of smart watch or wearable tracking device to school.

Many more parents now keep a GPS tracker in their child’s bag so that they can check arrival times to and from school. This gives peace of mind without any impact on the child’s independence.

Before equipping your child with a smart watch or other device, please consider whether this is something that your family actually needs. Responsible parenting doesn’t mean knowing where your child is 24/7, and school is a very different environment to a busy shopping mall or transport hub, where a child could more easily become separated from their family.

Once a student has passed through the school gates, they fall under our Duty of Care. Our start and end times are known, and someone will contact you if there is a problem at the end of the day.

Many wearable devices allow for two-way communication with the parent’s smartphone.

Please note that we do not allow Primary aged children to contact their parents during the school day. Our policy restricts the use of mobile phones to those in Y7 and above.

If you do decide to purchase a wearable device for your child, please choose one that allows you sufficient control of any settings and alerts.

  • Choose a model which allows you to turn off any two-way communication function, whether sending messages or making calls.
  • Check whether a device comes pre-loaded with games or other entertainment content which could then become a constant distraction.
  • Be assured that any device that rings, pings or vibrates during the school day will do nothing to support your child’s learning.
  • Find out if device has a Student or Airplane mode which could then become your child’s default setting whilst in school.

Parents / Guardians on school campus - COVID protocol

Parents are allowed on campus only for specific purposes such as dropping off/picking up children, visits to the School Shop/Tiger Shop, attending meetings or school/PTG organised events. 

Once the purpose of the visit is completed, we expect that you will leave the school campus immediately. Please refrain from socialising on campus. 

A reminder that parents cannot use the school canteens nor the Noodle Bar.  Thanks for your assistance in helping us adhere to COVID-19 prevention protocols.

Temporary Guardianship Form - let us know if both parents are going away and leaving a student with a friend, nanny or a maid.

Important Contacts

DepartmentContact Number Email 
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 6 Rep - Amrita (Dolly) Chansrichawla

Primary Representative - Amelie Buysschaert

Year Group Leaders
Leader of Learning and Welfare: Ms Sarah Dibley

Leader of Learning and Curriculum: Ms Carly Peart