Year 6 Newsletter 17th January 2025

A Note from the Principal

A Note from the Principal

17 January 2025

This week I reflected on how well our students have returned to the learning after a long winter break. There is a remarkable air of calm across the school, and when I have been into classes I am thrilled to see our young learners so engaged and motivated by the studies. Well done to all the children and to their brilliant teachers for starting 2025 with such purpose and dedication! It's been an unusually chilly start to the term and this is just a reminder that we do have navy cardigans available in the school shop. If sizing is unavailable, students may wear a cardigan of their choice, preferably in similar colours.

Sarah McCormack

Key Dates and upcoming events 

Primary Parent Workshop - Libraries21st  January 8amPrimary HallParents
Primary Parent Workshop - Safeguarding for parent volunteers (venue change)22nd January 8amPrimary Library ClassroomParent volunteers
Primary Music Performance Weekw/b 27th January during Music lessonsMusic ClassroomStudents
Primary Science Week27th - 31st JanuaryBPSStudents
Waste Less Weekw/b 3rd FebruaryBPSBPS
School Photograph Catch Up day5th FebruaryCON 420Students

Talking with your child about Pornography

Carol Battram: Designated Safeguarding Lead

It’s not a welcome thought, but there is a good chance that your child will, at some point, be shown or search for pornographic content.

Talking with your child about pornography is an important part of keeping them safe. For our older Primary students, it is enough to explain that most pornography contains nudity and sexual acts.

You need some shared language so that they can have an age-appropriate conversation with you.

By being calmly pro-active, you can take away much the embarrassment, confusion and secrecy if they see something online.

A pre-emptive conversation makes it more likely that your child will let you know if they have seen sexual content online. is an excellent resource, with many helpful articles.

What to Do if your Young Child Sees Pornography gives guidance on how to open up a conversation about pornography with younger children.

If you are the parent of a pre-teen or older, this article for parents of teenagers is very helpful.

You can also find helpful advice on setting up filters on the tech your children use to block explicit content.

This is especially important for students who bring their own laptop into school. However, no filter is 100% effective.

It’s every bit as important to haves age-appropriate conversation, and to check the filters every now and again to make sure that they are still in place.

ECA for Primary Leavers

Throughout Block C of our ECA Programme, the Primary Counselling team will be offering the following ECA to those students who will be transitioning to a new school this year:

This group is designed for students preparing to move on to new schools or environments. It provides a safe and supportive space to learn how to say a ‘proper goodbye’, provide opportunities for closure and to discuss changes ahead. We’ll explore topics such as managing new responsibilities, making new friends, dealing with any worries and/or excitement about the future. Through activities, discussions, and peer support, students will gain tools to handle the challenges and embrace the opportunities that come with this next chapter. This group aims to help each student leave feeling more prepared for a smooth transition.

The ECA can be joined through the Block C sign up portal.

If you would like more information, you can contact our counsellors at the following email addresses:

Mr. Laiyoung Cheng:

Ms. Aarti Madarasmi:

Taking photos of students on campus

At Bangkok Patana School we welcome parents on to our campus.

As part of this agreement, all parents must agree to our Parents’ Safeguarding Code of Conduct.

This includes:

1. Never taking images in toilets, changing rooms or areas where privacy is expected.

  1. Using judgement before taking and before sharing images of students.

During a regular school day, parents may only take images of their own child – unless they have sought and received permission from another family to include their child in a group photo.

Family employees with access to the campus must also abide by this rule.

Where and when can parents take photos and videos when on campus?

Physical development and PE kit

A number of our students will enter puberty whilst in Primary school.

Every child will pass through puberty at a different time, and at a different rate.

Some children may feel more comfortable wearing a lightweight sports bra or crop top under their PE kit.


Performance Week

Performance Week this year is in the week 27th - 31st January.

This is an opportunity for any child who is learning a musical instrument to perform in front of a small audience during their regular timetabled music lesson. Children can sign up to perform during their music lessons in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, parents cannot attend the event.

We encourage all students who learn a musical instrument to participate as performing is a great opportunity to build confidence, share their learning and motivate further practice.

Please support your child to perform if they take lessons on an instrument and please help them to bring their music/instrument.

Any questions can be directed to the music teachers:

Mr Charlie

Ms Rachel

Miss Lisa

PE curriculum

Parent workshops

Click this link to find further information about our other upcoming parent workshops.

Patana News Survey

Some of our community prefers to receive Patana News on a different day from Friday. We would like to hear your opinion. Survey link

Tech Tips

Brian’s Tech Tips


Our unit of learning this term will be 'Great Migrations.;

For further information, please visit our curriculum page:


Click on the link to visit the Year 6 blogs.

This is where you will find an overview of your child's learning along with their home learning tasks and any important messages from your child's class teacher.

Please check your child's class blog weekly to stay informed about their learning.

Please encourage your child to complete their home learning.

Global Citizenship

Events Around the World

You can keep up to date with current events around the world by watching Newsround, an age appropriate news show. Being aware of current events will help your child to make connections with a range of themes when reading in class, and it is an ideal opportunity for you to model discussing your opinions and using experiences to draw connections between events and people.


Happy Birthday to Claire in 6T!

Birthday Treats

We are a NUT FREE school.  Children may bring in a special treat to share with the class.

Please contact the class teacher to arrange a suitable time.

  • Brownies, cupcakes and individual cake slices are easier for your child to give out.
  • Please no fast food and reduce plastic packaging as much as possible - please no bubble teas, fizzy drinks or caffeine drinks.
  • We do not allow party bags or other gifts to be given out at school, either for birthdays, or other celebrations.


Temporary Guardianship Form - let us know if both parents are going away and leaving a student with a friend, nanny or a maid.

Important Contacts

DepartmentContact Number Email
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 6 PTG Rep -  Soreda Ratchadaporn Parinyanusorn:

Primary Representative - Apollo Chansrichawla

Year Group Leaders
Year Group Leader (Pastoral): Ms Sarah Dibley

Year Group Leader (Curriculum): Mr Todd Thornback

Assistant Year Group Leader: Mr Duncan Ferguson

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