Year 6 Newsletter 16th February

We are balanced and fulfilled

Note from the Principal

16 Feb 2024

A note from the Principal

Wishing all our families and very enjoyable and relaxing mid-term break! Thank you for all your efforts in making Term 2 A wonderful.

See you all on Monday, 26 February.

Sarah McCormack

Key Dates

Term 2B CommencesMon 26th FebBPSBPS
Parent Workshop - Assessment and Reporting
Tues 27th FebPrimary HallParents
World Book Day
Thurs 7th MarchBPSStaff & Students
Interclass TeeballMonday 11th MarchBPSStudents, staff & parents
Science WeekWB 11th March

Smile DayThurs 14th MarchBPSBPS
RSE Parent PresentationTues 2nd AprilPrimary HallParents & LOLW


Year 6 Interclass Teeball Event

Save the date! Interclass Teeball will take place on Monday 11th March during class PE lessons, timings as follows:

6M 6P 6T and 6F: 7.40am - 8.40am

6B 6J 6S and 6L: 11.10am – 12.10pm

Parents are welcome to attend. Please can all players wear a T-shirt of their class colour (below)

Smile Day

Save the date – RSE (relationship and sex) presentations for Primary Parents

During Term 2B, we introduce age appropriate RSE units as part of our Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum in Years 1 to 6. If you would like to hear more about our taught programme, please save the date for our parent presentations.

All presentations start at 8:00.

We will share the presentation slides via the year group newsletter for those of you who cannot attend:

Tuesday 2nd April (Primary Hall) : Year 6 parents and carers

Developing Speech and Language Presentation

Thank you very much for attending the 'Developing Speech and Language' presentation on the 7th of February 2024. For your reference, please find included the slides from the workshop.

Kind regards,

Anna Lawlor

Songkran Shirt Competition

Just a note to clarify that the children are submitting a painting of a flower pattern for the competition, not designing an actual Songkran shirt. For example, they can submit an A4 watercolour flower pattern painting, or an acrylic canvas flower pattern painting, etc, and the winning flower pattern paintings will be turned into Songkran shirts. We do not want them to draw, design or paint a Songkran shirt and submit that; these won’t be accepted into the competition or dispay.


PE options 

In Unit 3A (18th March to 10th May) students will be able to choose which PE activities they would like to take part in for the 6-week unit, on both Mondays and Fridays.

They have been sent a Google Form this week in the Y6 Teams chat (as well as from their PE teacher), which they will need to complete as soon as possible. 

Please remind your child to complete the form ASAP and submit only once!

Supporting your Child with Reading at Home

Thank you to all the parents who attended the recent parent workshop on Tuesday 6th February. Please follow this link to access the presentation slides:

Supporting Your Child with Reading at Home

The Young Mathematical Story Writers Competition (YMSA)

Click on this link to find out more about a Maths writing story writing competition

Maths at Patana

At Patana, we are following White Rose Maths for our curriculum in school. This is new this academic year and forms the basis for our curriculum coverage across the Primary School. Over 80% of schools in the UK and most British International Schools in Bangkok use this. You can explore the site under the Parents & Pupils tab.

1-Minute Maths is a free app from White Rose available on Apple, Google Play and Amazon store. It helps students develop their number fluency (memorised facts; being efficient with numbers). Why not get it on your devices at home for your children to practice?

We subscribe to some websites that could be useful for you to access at home to help your child develop their maths skills. Here are two maths websites you may wish to use with your child(ren).

Times Table Rockstars is a website that helps children to develop their fluency with times tables. Rapid recall is important because it lightens the cognitive load (how much children have to think!) when they are learning written methods for multiplication and division. This means they can concentrate on learning the written method without having to pause and think about a times table fact - they just instantly know it. If you choose to do this at home, practice little and often. Click on the play button at the top (circled) to open this choice of games. We use this website in school.

  MyiMaths is a website that helps students to consolidate all aspects of maths. It also includes lots of games to improve fluency. Teachers can set tasks on this website. Set tasks show as ‘homework’ on the site. It is generally optional, but may be recommended at times.

Each child has a username and password for each of these. It would be useful for them to save them to their own device or memorise them. However, they can always ask their teacher if they need reminding.

If you have any questions about any of these sites, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Global Citizenship

World Book Day – Thursday 7th March

There are some exciting book themed activities planned for this special day. Please note that it will not be a dress up day.

We invite families to donate a brand-new children’s book (Thai Language Please) which will passed to one of our charities:

  • FS - Home of Praise (age 2-5)
  • Y2 - Children of the Forest (age 5-11)
  • Y3 - Thomas House (age 5-11)
  • Y4 - Mercy Centre (age 5-11)

If you wish to donate a book, your child should hand it to their class teacher during the month of March.

Events around the world

You can keep up to date with current events around the world by watching Newsround, an age appropriate news show. Being aware of current events will help your child to make connections with a range of themes when reading in class, and it is an ideal opportunity for you to model discussing your opinions and using experiences to draw connections between events and people.

General Information


Happy birthday to all of the students celebrating their birthdays over the half term break:









Birthday Treats

We are a NUT FREE school.  Children may bring in a special treat to share with the class.

Please contact the class teacher to arrange a suitable time.

  • Brownies, cupcakes and individual cake slices are easier for your child to give out.
  • Please reduce plastic packaging as much as possible - please no bubble teas, fizzy drinks or caffeine drinks.
  • We do not allow party bags or other gifts to be given out at school, either for birthdays, or other celebrations.

Temporary Guardianship Form - let us know if both parents are going away and leaving a student with a friend, nanny or a maid.

Important Contacts

DepartmentContact Number Email
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 6 PTG Rep is

Primary Representative - Apollo Chansrichawlat

Year Group Leaders
Leader of Learning and Welfare: Ms Sarah Dibley

Leader of Learning and Curriculum: Mr Todd Thornback

Assistant Leader of Learning: Mr Alex Lowe

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