Morning Register
Please click on the image below to register yourself:
Video introduction - Watch me...
Stop! Get yourself ready for the day
- MS Teams live lesson at 8:00am
- Laptop and headphones
- Your play dough
- Pencil and paper
- Colouring pencils and paints (if you have them)
Lesson 1: First Aid Peer Collaboration Live Lesson (8-8:40am)
Go to Y6 Team (Grad 27) on MS Teams.
Enter your class's section.
Join the lesson at 8:00am.
Can I learn collaboratively?
Resources: Laptop, MS Teams, headphones, Google slide and links to the resources (your teacher will share these with you during the live session)
Time Frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)
Brain Break
Here are your brain breaks for today. When you see the brain break sign, click and pick 1 to 3 activities.
Have a drink and a snack before starting again.
Lesson 2: Music (9-9:40am)
Please visit your Google Classroom group for Music.
If you have not yet joined the class you will need to do that first. The class codes are below.
If you have any difficulties joining the classroom, please email Mr Charlie ( or Ms Narui ( ) to help.
6C | sg2s3kl |
6H | bt4uj2k |
6E | it4p6gq |
6F | c5cuibl |
6D | ow5p3lf |
6G | 6zaj4pm |
6J | g3qfx6n |
6P | mcfojma |
Brain Break
Remember to choose from one of the brain break activities.
Have a drink and a snack before starting again.
Lesson 3: Human Organs Getting Creative (10-10:40am)
For this activity, you will need to watch Miss Peart's lesson introduction first.
Entry Point Activity 2: Organs
Resources: Link to Google Slides presentation
How will I share my learning? Link to the Padlet
Time frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes) but you may wish to continue with this activity for longer.
Brain Break
Remember to choose from one of the brain break activities. Scroll up to find the link.
Have a drink before starting again.
Lesson 4: Human Organs Model Making (11-11:40am)
For this activity, you will need to watch Miss Lizzie's lesson introduction first.
Can I locate the key organs of the human body?
Learning Task: To create a model of the human body using items from around your home. You can create different organs and lay them out in the correct positions, or create different systems, for example, the digestive system. Label the different models you have made.
Resources: Various items from around your home. Some examples are: bubble wrap, cardboard boxes, cushions, toilet rolls, egg boxes, plastic bottles.
How will I share my learning? Take a photo of your model and upload it to your 'Connected Learning' document in your class’s Shared Drive in Google Drive.
Time frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)
Watch the video
Complete your model
- Share a photo of it
Challenge and extend: Research the scientific names of organs or bones you do not know. Make models of these and add them to your human body in the correct positions.
Success Criteria:
Lesson 5: Body Beats Music (1-1:40pm)
For this activity, you will need to watch Mr Ferguson's lesson introduction first.
Can I create music using my body sounds?
Learning Task: Create a song/rap/beat to show off parts of your body.
Resources: You can use:
How will I share my learning? On our FlipGrid link here
Time frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)
1.) Read through the Google Slides presentation
2.) Create your song/beat/rap
3.) Record your creation using FlipGrid
Challenge and extend:
Create a group performance by including members of your family and produce a multi-sound composition.
Go back to our learning from today and give 2 people feedback on each activity. What have they done well? You can also 'like' your favourites.
Human Organs Padlet link here
Body Beats FlipGrid link here
Please click here to complete the Exit Ticket to let us know how you got on today.
Read the questions carefully and answer all of them.