Morning Register (7:40-8am)
Please click on the image below to register yourself (you only need to do this once today):
Happy Birthday Padme 6D 24th April
Stop! Get yourself ready for today.
- MS Teams Video Call today at 8:00am
- Headphones
- Laptop
- Pencils and paper for making a poster in Thai
- Resources for making play dough for CL
- PE kit, tape measure and timer
- Maths book or paper
Lesson 1: Class Well-being Chat (8-8:40am)
8:00am: Sign into MS Teams Y6 Team (Grad 27)
Go into your class's section.
Read through these before you join the live lesson
Brain Break
Here are your brain breaks for today. When you see the brain break sign, click and pick 1 to 3 activities.
Have a drink and a snack before starting again.
Lesson 2: Thai Culture (9-9:40am)
Thai for non-Thai speakers:
Thai for Thai speakers:
Brain Break
Remember to choose from one of the brain break activities.
Have a drink and a snack before starting again.
Lesson 3: Connected Learning (10-10:40am)
You will need to have an adult present to supervise you during this session.
- Click on the Making Playdough Presentation for the recipe and instructions.
Brain Break
Remember to choose from one of the brain break activities. Scroll up to find the link.
Have a drink and a snack before starting again.
Lesson 4: PE (11-11:40am)
Lesson 5: Maths (1-1:40pm)
Your Maths learning has been shared with you via a Firefly task. Check your email to access this.
Direct any questions to your Maths teacher.
How will you share your learning:
You can find this information in your task. Read it carefully to see how your teacher would like you to share your learning.
When you have finished, click 'MARK AS DONE'.
Keep up-to-date with what is happening around the world
Please click here to complete the Exit Ticket to let us know how you got on today.
Read the questions carefully and answer all of them.