Morning Register
Please click on the image below to register yourself:
Stop! Get yourself ready for the day
- Laptop and headphones
- Pencil and paper
- Your sketchbook (or plain paper)
- Your class Google Drive
- MS Teams logged in and open
Lesson 1: Maths Live Lesson (8-8:40am)
Go to Y6 Team (Grad 27) on MS Teams.
Enter your Maths class's section.
Be in your Maths class's section by 7:55am.
Wait for your teacher to start the lesson. Please DO NOT start this yourself.
Join the lesson at 8:00am.
Resources: Laptop, MS Teams, headphones
Time Frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)
Brain Break
Here are your brain breaks for today. When you see the brain break sign, click and pick 1 to 3 activities.
Have a drink and a snack before starting again.
Lesson 2: Music (9-9:40am)
Please visit your Google Classroom group for Music.
If you have not yet joined the class you will need to do that first. The class codes are below.
If you have any difficulties joining the classroom, please email Mr Charlie ( or Ms Narui ( ) to help.
Brain Break
Remember to choose from one of the brain break activities.
Have a drink and a snack before starting again.
Lesson 3: Literacy (10-10:40am)
Meet your Literacy group in MS Teams chat at 10:00am
Brain Break
Remember to choose from one of the brain break activities. Scroll up to find the link.
Have a drink before starting again.
Lesson 4: Reading (11-11:40am)
Message for EAL students
Mr Steve has two EML groups: A and B
This session is for Group A only.
You have received an invitation to this lesson. Check your calendar.
Start your live lesson with Mr Steve in the Y6 EML channel in Microsoft Teams now.
Lesson 5: Art (1-1:40pm)
Your Art learning today is to finish creating your abstract heart. Please see the link below.
If you have already finished, then you can use this time for yourself. Here are some suggested activities:
- quiet reading
- do some creative drawing of your own
- listen to music
- meditation or mindfulness
In Science tomorrow, you will have the opportunity to create your own 'blood.
These are the items I will be using, but you can always use other similar items if you don't have these:
- Red and yellow food colouring
- 2 cups Cheerios cereal
- 20 mini marshmallows
- 6 small pieces pieces of cotton wool
- 1 small empty water bottle (500ml)
Please click here to complete the Exit Ticket to let us know how you got on today.
Read the questions carefully and answer all of them.