Morning Register (7:40-8am)
Please click on the image below to register yourself:
Stop! Get yourself ready for today.
- Laptop
- Headphones
- Maths book or paper
- Pencil
- A ball and balloon for PE (if you have one)
- A book to read
Lesson 1: Literacy - Live Lesson (8-8:40am)
Go to Y6 Team (Grad 27) on MS Teams.
Enter your class's section at 7:55am.
Please wait for your teacher to start the lesson.Please DO NOT start the lesson yourself.
Join the lesson at 8:00am.
Resources: Laptop, MS Teams, headphones, your Google Drive Literacy Book.
Time Frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)
Brain Break
Here are your brain break suggestions for today:
Lesson 2: Maths (9-9:40am)
Your Maths learning has been shared with you via a Firefly task. Check your email to access this.
Direct any questions to your Maths teacher.
How will you share your learning:
In your Maths class's Google Drive Maths book.
When you have finished, click 'MARK AS DONE'.
Brain Break
Remember to choose from one of the brain break activities. Scroll up to find the link.
Have a drink and a snack before starting again.
Lesson 3: PE (10-10:40am)
Brain Break
Remember to choose from one of the brain break activities. Scroll up to find the link.
Have a drink and a snack before starting again.
Lesson 4: MFL (11-11:40pm)
Please look for your language below to see the planned activity.
German, Japanese & Mandarin: Visit the Google Classroom group for your MFL language. If you are unsure, please contact your MFL teacher.
Spanish: Read the task below.
French: Please watch the video below and then go to Google Classroom to access the code for Activity 1 (Kahoot) and the Google Slide for Activity 2.
Thai for native Thai speakers : Please read the task below.
Thai for non-native Thai speakers: Please read the task below.
EAL with Mr Steve: Click on the LINK and go to the CSL EAL blog.
Lesson 5: Independent Reading (1-1:20pm) & Class Story Live (1:20-1:40pm)
Independent Reading (1-1:20pm)
Go and find a quiet spot to curl up and read a book.
Class Story Live (1:20-1:40pm)
Go to Y6 Team (Grad 27) on MS Teams
Enter your class' section.
Join the Story live lesson at 1:20pm
Resources: Laptop, MS Teams, headphones
Time Frame: 20 minutes
Next week in Science, you have the opportunity to make your own 'blood'. For this activity you will need:
- Red and yellow food colouring
- 2 cups Cheerios cereal
- 20 mini marshmallows
- 6 small pieces pieces of cotton wool
- 1 small empty water bottle (500ml)
If you cannot get all of these items, do not worry; you can be creative and use alternatives that you already have. They all represent parts of your blood; so you can improvise!
End of the day EXIT TICKET
Before leaving, you must click here to complete the Exit Ticket to let us know how you got on today.
Read the questions carefully and answer all of them.