Monday 11th May

Morning Register (7:40-8am)

Please click on the image below to register yourself (you only need to do this once today):

Happy Birthday to Lucas in 6C who is celebrating his birthday today. Have a wonderful day!

Stop! Get yourself ready for today.

  • Headphones
  • Laptop
  • MS Teams open and logged in
  • Maths book or paper
  • Your class's Google Drive
  • Your sketchbook (or plain paper)
  • Pencil

Lesson 1: Literacy -  Live lesson (8-8:40am)

Go to Y6 Team (Grad 27) on MS Teams.

Enter your class' section.

Join the lesson at 9:00am. Please DO NOT start the lesson yourself.

This causes problems for other students.

You can join from your calendar or by clicking on JOIN.

Resources: Laptop, MS Teams, headphones, Google Slides Literacy Book.

Time Frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)

Please remind yourself of the expectations before joining the lesson

Brain Break

Here are your brain breaks for today. When you see the brain break sign, click and pick 1 to 3 activities.

Click to see today's brain breaks

Have a drink and a snack before starting again.

Lesson 2: Thai Culture (9-9:40am)

Thai for non-Thai speakers:

Your Thai learning

Can I construct sentences?

Learning task: You will review your vocabulary by playing Quizlet and then you can use those words to make sentences. 


1. Choose words from the table and construct sentences.

2. Record your reading/speaking and send it to your Thai teacher 

You can use this online voice recorder to help you or the Apple app - Voice memo.

3. Fill in the feedback form and submit to your Thai teacher.

Thai for Thai speakers:

Your Thai learning

Can I share the main ideas?

Kru Ne’s & Kru Rosie's groups:

  • Go to Firefly
  • Check your tasks and follow the instructions

Kru Sasi's group:

Please go to your Google Classroom group:

6P, 6H, 6J, 6E

6G, 6F, 6D, 6C

Brain Break

Remember to choose from one of the brain break activities.

Have a drink and a snack before starting again.

Lesson 3: Art (10-10:40am)

Please visit Mr Dallas' page below for instructions of your Art learning this morning. Right click on the link to open this in a new tab.

If you have already coloured your abstract heart, have a go at creating another one.

    Brain Break

    Remember to choose from one of the brain break activities. Scroll up to find the link.

    Have a drink and a snack before starting again.

    Lesson 4: PE (11-11:40am)

    Visual PE instructions

    Click on this link to see the visual instructions from the PE teachers:

    Written PE instructions

    Can I work continuously for a long period of time?

    Time Frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)

    Resources: Rolling Transport, Helmet, timer


    Balance Quest - This warm-up should refresh you and get you ready for this morning's fitness challenge.

    Learning Task: 

    Rolling Time Challenge. Watch the video, then select a type of transport (e.g. bike, scooter, skateboard etc.) and away you go! 

    For more information and the spreadsheet click here (this link will take you to the Primary PE Blog Virtual Home Learning section, just click on Year 5 or Year 6).

    Check out the PE Team in this video.

    Challenge & Extend: When you’ve had a rest and if you have time try a different type of transport.

    How will I share my learning? Upload a video of yourself performing the challenge to Padlet (videos have a 10MB limit so try to keep them short);

    Remember to look back at your video for your feedback.

    Additional Activities:

    • Visit the Virtual Home Learning section where you’ll finds lots of different activities which will keep you active 


    Lesson 5: Maths (1-1:40pm)

    Please log on to Mathletics for your Maths lesson today.

    Keep up-to-date with what is happening around the world


    Please click here to complete the Exit Ticket to let us know how you got on today.

    Read the questions carefully and answer all of them.