Year 5 Newsletter 9th June

9 June 2023

A note from the Principal

This week, we witnessed two inspiring examples of student agency in the Primary school: Busking Day and Year 4 Enterprise Week.

The students showcased their talents and raised funds for charities during our annual Busking Day, creating a vibrant and memorable event for the community. Meanwhile, Year 4 students demonstrated their entrepreneurial skills, displaying creativity, teamwork, and professionalism throughout Enterprise Week.

These experiences exemplify our commitment to empowering students and fostering their holistic development. We truly applaud their accomplishments and thank every body for getting involved!

Sarah McCormack

Living our values: we are balanced and fulfilled

Thank you for your support with Busking Day. We had so much talent on display. 

ESports finals were enjoyed by Year 5 and 6. Well done to Mattias and Shawn who reached the finals. Well done Mattias! It was SOOOO close!

Important dates for your diary

Dance Extravaganza 12th JuneTheatreBPS community
Year 4 Farmers' Market13th JunePrimary HallStudents and Staff
TGFU Sports Event16th June Primary Sports Hall, Hardcourt and Back FieldParents of Year 5, and students
Year 5 Space Exhibition16th June (see times below)Year 5Parents of Year 5 and Year 5 students
Whole School Assembly23rd JuneSports HallBPS community
End of year assembly23rd JuneSports HallBPS community


Year 5 Space Expo

Year 5 students will showcase their recent Space learning on Friday 16th June, and we would be delighted if you could attend. The expo will take place in your child’s classroom and in the Year 5 shared area. Our driving question for this term is “How does space exploration impact humanity?” and, in response to this, each group of children has followed their own particular interest (line of inquiry). They have carried out research and considered the most effective ways of sharing their knowledge and understanding.

The Year 5 expo will take place on the same morning as the PE team’s TGFU (Teaching Games for Understanding) interclass event, so hopefully many of you will be in school for that anyway. The timings are as follows:

Please note, the children will need time to change and prepare for the expo after the TGFU event. Please do not arrive in the Year 5 building before the time stated above. While you wait, please feel free to use the snack bar or cool down in the PTG room. This could also be a perfect opportunity to pick up some holiday reading books for your child from the library – remember parents are allowed to borrow up to 20 books each.

We look forward to seeing many of you at our Space Expo. For those who cannot make it, we will endeavour to add some QR codes to our blog pages so you can share your child’s learning at home.

Year 6 Interclass Games Event

This will take place during PE lessons (see timings below) on Friday 16th June, on the Primary Back field and Hardcourt (depending on which sport team students are in). Please can all students meet on the hardcourt promptly at the beginning of the lesson. They will be sorted into teams and sent to the correct locations from there.

Parents are welcome to attend this final interclass event of the academic year!

7:40am - 8:45am: 5C, 5L, 5M and 5W

8:45am - 9:45am: 5A, 5B, 5D and 5T 

Please remind students to wear their class colour T-shirt or top , with the rest of their Patana PE kit and water bottle.

Ultimate Nerf players also require sunhats.

Devices for Year 6

Click this link: Information for Y5 Parents - Bangkok Patana School (

Overview: All students from Year 6 to Year 13 are required to bring their own personal device (iPad or Laptop) to school on a daily basis. The device must meet our minimum specifications and be registered with our IS/IT department. Any questions or queries please contact

Here is the link to book an appointment to register:

PE  - Year 5 curriculum

Gymnastics: Patana PE kit required. Patana leotards are allowed /optional but not compulsory.

TGFU (Teaching games for understanding): Patana PE kit, sunhat and water bottle required.

Climbing and OAA: Patana PE kit, sunhat and water bottle required.

Class Blogs and home learning

Here is the link to the Year 5 blogs. You will find an overview of your child's learning along with their home learning tasks and any important messages from your child's class teacher. 
Please check your child's class blog weekly to stay informed about their learning. 
Please encourage your child to complete their home learning.

Global Citizenship

Year 4 Entrepreneurs’ Market – a wonderful shopportunity for Y3, Y5 and Y6 students

Year 4 students have been extremely busy setting up businesses – this has involved research, website design, marketing, devising and creating an advert and thinking carefully about sustainability. The online shop opened on Wednesday 7th June, and orders have been streaming in for the incredible range of hand-made, artisan products on offer. The students in Y3/5/6 will have the chance to buy some of these fabulous hand-made products at the following times:

Tuesday 13th June 1pm-2pm in the Primary Hall for Year 6 students

Friday 16th June 10am-12pm in the Primary Hall for Year 3 and Year 5 students

The following selection of high-quality products will be available for purchase:

Bath bombs, bath salts, soaps, Laotian dream catchers, planters, energy balls, coasters (drink mats), chocolates, night lights and freshly baked bread snacks, alongside other tasty treats.

Prices range from 10thb to 320thb.

Students should bring in money for the sale to have the chance to sample some of the impressive bespoke products available.


We are a NUT FREE school. Please when ordering birthday treats double check before bringing treats on the campus. Many toppings offered by some donut shops have flaked almonds in their toppings and peanut butter fillings.

  • Individual treats can be brought into school with your child in the morning.
  • Please agree a time with the teacher in advance.
  • Children will be expected to eat any birthday treats outside of classrooms.
  • Parents can join in the celebrations.

General Information

Temporary Guardianship Form - let us know if both parents are going away and leaving a student with a friend, nanny or a maid.

Important Contacts

DepartmentContact Number Email
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 5 PTG Rep is Sonia Sachdev

Primary Representative - Apollo Chansrichawlat

Year Group Leaders
Leader of Learning and Welfare: Ms Miranda Cawley

Leader of Learning and Curriculum: Ms Claire Myers

Assistant Leader of Learning: Ms Anna Caswell