Year 5 Newsletter 9th December 2022 

A note from the Principal

Living our values motivated and engaged

Important dates for your diary

Whole school Christmas Concert14th December @ 18:00TheatrePatana Community
Whole school campus Christmas assembly16th DecemberSports HallStaff, students and parents
End of Term 1b16th DecemberBPSWhole school
First day of Term 29th JanuaryBPSWhole school


Gift giving to class friends

Giving gifts to friends and family is a lovely thing.

However, we do not expect or encourage gifts from a family to the whole class.

Edible gifts can cause problems for some families, and we do not allow sweets/candy in school.

Many of our students are giving gifts to families and children in need - and this we completely support.

Christmas Market



This week in PSHE, we have been learning about our mental health and how to recognise physical responses to stress. We watched this video and spoke about the importance of talking about mental health. 

After Christmas, we will explore family relationships. Please refer to the recent email which gives more information about this. 

PE  - Primary PE Personal Challenge Week!:

Students will be participating in their Star Challenge and Fitness Challenges on Monday 12th December during their PE lessons. 

A polite reminder that if they choose to do the scoot option, scooters must be labelled clearly with Name and Class. Only fold up scooters will be allowed on School transport, and helmets are compulsory. Scooters / skates can be stored in the Sports Hall Foyer in the morning and can remain there until the end of the day for collection. No child is expected to purchase a scooter or skates for this lesson. Only bring in if you already have them.

Monday 12th December:

5W, 5L, 5T, 5A: FITNESS CHALLENGE (Normal PE kit).

5M, 5C, 5D and 5B : STAR CHALLENGE! (Swim kit / Scooters / roller blades optional)

Start of Term 2

Please note that the start of term will be Try a New Sport for the first 2 weeks, before moving to new activities on the dates below.

For Try a new Sport, all students will require Patana PE kit, a sunhat and water bottle. There will be a water based option, so please bring swim kit as well if students think they may like to choose the water option.

Important reminder! All students will be learning Teeball in Term 2, therefore football boots are required for this unit !

Class Blogs and home learning

Here is the link to the Year 5 blogs. You will find an overview of your child's learning along with their home learning tasks and any important messages from your child's class teacher. 

Please check your child's class blog weekly to stay informed about their learning. 

Please encourage your child to complete their home learning.

Global Citizenship

Year 5 Bring Buy and Bake Sale will be held on Thursday 8th December

Thank you for your support with our charity event. We raised a whopping 105,000 baht which will go towards purchasing wells in Cambodia bringing clean water to communities who do not have access to it. What a life changing situation this is!

We will update on the wells in due course. 

Events In The World 

You can keep up to date with current events around the world by watching Newsround, an age appropriate news show.  Being aware of current events will help your child to make connections with a range of themes when reading in class, and it is an ideal opportunity for you to model discussing your opinions and using experiences to draw connections between events and people.


We are a NUT FREE school. Please when ordering birthday treats double check before bringing treats on the campus. Many toppings offered by some donut shops have flaked almonds in their toppings and peanut butter fillings.

  • Individual treats can be brought into school with your child in the morning.
  • Please agree a time with the teacher in advance.
  • Children will be expected to eat any birthday treats outside of classrooms.
  • Parents can join in the celebrations.

General Information

Temporary Guardianship Form - let us know if both parents are going away and leaving a student with a friend, nanny or a maid.

Important Contacts

DepartmentContact Number Email
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 5 PTG Rep is Sonia Sachdev

Primary Representative - Apollo Chansrichawlat

Year Group Leaders
Leader of Learning and Welfare: Ms Miranda Cawley

Leader of Learning and Curriculum: Ms Claire Myers

Assistant Leader of Learning: Ms Anna Caswell