Year 5 Newsletter 4th March 2022 

Living our values

We are balanced and fulfilled.

Important dates

School Photograph Catch up day9th & 10th MarchBPSStaff and students
Smile Day11th MarchBPSStaff and students
Interclass Teeball14th MarchPrimary fieldStaff and students
Music in the Primary School Parent Workshop15th MarchMS TeamsMusic Team and parents
Power of Reading and Writing workshop29th MarchMS TeamsParents
End of Term 2b1st AprilBPSPatana Community


Smart watches

We encourage children to wear a watch to school, to help them keep track on time and develop independence. Many smart watches allow for phone and message contact, internet access, online games, and other features that they do not need in school. Access to games via a smart watch distracts children from other social play activities and planned learning.

If your child does have a smart watch, please talk with your child about which functions can and cannot be used in school. Some watches will allow you to limit the functions available to your child.

Badmington U11s

Our Badmington ECA runs every Thursday! Badminton is hugely popular in Secondary school and this is a great opportunity to try it out in Primary nd compete with other schools.

This is a free ECA and will be held in the sports hall.

ATK testing

Remember to submit your child's ATK testing before 5pm on Sunday so that your child can join the learning straight away.

Keeping Children at Home

If your child is feeling unwell, has a fever, or has any flu like symptoms, please do not send them into school. If a child is sent to the school nurse with a fever, runny nose, cough, or sore throat, you will be asked to collect them from school.

Your support with this is vital and very much appreciated.


Home Learning and Class Blogs - there is no home learning over the holidays

Here is the link to the Year 5 blogs.

Please encourage your child to complete their home learning. Each week, Mathletics tasks are set. These consolidate the week's learning. There is also a Literacy of Connected Learning task based on the learning. 

This is posted on your child's class blog. 

Music in the Primary School - online workshop

Readers' Cup - Which book is your child reading now?

Please continue to read throughout the holiday!

PE - Interclass Teeball - 14th March Class Colours

Please see below for your child's PE class colour. Your child will wear this colour for our Interclass event, so please ensure that your child has a T-Shirt in this colour. 

  • RED - 5E
  • WHITE - 5G
  • BLACK - 5W
  • GREY - 5K
  • YELLOW - 5B
  • GREEN - 5M
  • BLUE - 5D
  • PINK - 5A

Global Citizenship

Events In The World

If you would like your child to be aware of world news and events but find it too overwhelming, have a look at Newsround for a more age-appropriate version of current events.

You can also access First News and The Week along with a wide selection of other magazines in our Primary Library. Being aware of current events will help your child to make connections with a range of themes when reading in class.

Smile Day

In addition to our whole school dress up day, the PTG are selling Operation Smile Bracelets. All profits will go towards the cleft/palate lip surgery donations.

Options include:
- “Smile” bracelet (as shown in the poster) 30THB
- Personalized bracelet (your name) 50THB
- Friendship bracelet (your name + another bracelet with your friend’s name) 90THB

Link to Form:

What Parents need to know about NFTs

Click on the link below to find out more:


It has been wonderful to be able to mark different festivals and school events since we reopened in November.

Students are able to bring in individual food treats (but not gifts) to share with their class for their birthday. For other celebrations we are unable to share out food or gifts - please can we request that students do not bring in gifts or food treats for their class on other special celebration days. Many thanks for your support.


We are a NUT FREE school. Please when ordering birthday treats double check before bringing treats on the campus. Many toppings offered by some donut shops have flaked almonds in their toppings and peanut butter fillings.

  • Individual treats can be brought into school with your child in the morning.
  • Please agree a time with the teacher in advance.
  • Children will be expected to eat any birthday treats in their classroom.
  • Unfortunately, parents can not join in the celebrations.
  • Your child's class teacher will however share a photograph with you.

General Information

5 Technology Tips for Parents in 5 minutes

We hope you find this week's 5 technology tips useful:

Temporary Guardianship Form - let us know if both parents are going away and leaving a student with a friend, nanny or a maid.

Important Contacts

DepartmentContact Number Email
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 5 PTG Rep is Sonia Sachdev

Primary Representative - Apollo Chansrichawlat

Year Group Leaders
Leader of Learning and Welfare: Ms Miranda Cawley

Leader of Learning and Curriculum: Ms Julie Kelly

Assistant Leader of Learning: Ms Lizzie