Year 5 Newsletter 30.10.2020

We are:  respectful contributors to our local and digital community


Readers' Cup Theatre Final9th NovemberPatanaStudents
Country Spot light eventsBeginning 18th NovemberPrimary Snack BarStudents
Primary 3 Way Conferences11th and 12th NovemberClassroomsParents, teachers and students
Year 5 Sports Day23rd NovemberBack hard court and back fieldStudents

Well Being

Update your Medical Records please

Need to cancel your ECA?

Global Citizenship

Country Spotlight Activities in the run up to International Day – Wednesday November 18th

These activities start next week and this is an excellent way to broaden the learning opportunities for our students.

Every day, there will be an activity related to one or more countries or cultures.

All activities will run during lunchtime from a stall near to the Primary Snack Bar.

Events in the World

If you would like your child to be aware of world news and events but find it too overwhelming, have a look at Newsround for a more age appropriate version of current events.

You can also access First News and The Week along with a wide selection of other magazines in our Primary Library. Being aware of current events really will help your child to make connections with a range of themes when reading in class.


Entry Point on Monday

On Monday, our Year 5 students will go on a water walk around school. For this they will need to bring the following items with them:

1. Water shoes or shoes that they do not mind getting wet (not flit flops - must have a back strap)

2. A change of clothes and a towel in case they get wet (a PE kit will do)

A call out to parents - Water, Water, Everywhere?

After the half term break, we will start our new unit of learning: Water, Water Everywhere?

The basis of this unit is to learn all about water on planet Earth. This includes looking at how people all over the world access clean water.

If you work for a charity or have any links to a charity working to bring clean water to communities, please get in touch as we would love to invite you in to talk to our Year 5 students.

Please contact:

Primary School: Term 1 Conferences

Wednesday 11th November between 2:50 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.

All conferences take place after 2:30. This is a normal school day.

Thursday 12th November between 7:30 a.m. and 4:10 p.m.

Thursday 12th November will not be a normal school day for Nursery to Year 6.

Students will only come to school with you for their appointment slot (students must be dressed in school uniform).

The booking deadline is 4pm on Friday 30th October.

After this time please email the class teacher direct to make or amend an appointment.

Making a booking with the class teacher

Please click on the following links to make an appointment.

Year 2 - 6

3-Way Conference Link and enter code: nf498

We look forward to seeing you to celebrate your child's learning.

PE Curriculum Term 1b

Please see the information below regarding the PE curriculum for the next half term. 

Home Learning and Class Blogs

Remember that your child's home learning has been shared via their class blog.

Here is the link directly to the Year 5 blogs. 


Happy Birthday to the following students who are celebrating their birthday this week

Parinda5H2nd November
Shivika5A6th November
Momo5W6th November

Individualised treats (cupcakes, donuts, etc) can be brought in either at the start of the day or the end of the day

  • No Nuts! Please ensure that any food items sent in do not contain nuts, or any traces of nuts. Please check the ingredients.

· No candles

· The birthday treats must be individual portions – teachers will not be able to cut pieces of cake to be given out.

Please liaise directly with your child’s class teacher to inform them if you will be bringing in treats for your child’s birthday.

General Information


The Parent Home Language Helpers (PHLH) is an initiative in which parents support the learning through the use of their Home Language. For example, our wonderful PHLH are great at coming in and sharing a story in their home language, or helping learners understand more about other languages and cultures. 

 If you would like to be part of the PHLH, please leave your details here and we will get back to you. If you have any questions, or would like to find out more about this, please contact Ms. Ondine at


Lost Property

Parents and children are encouraged to search lost property before purchasing replacement items.

Please visit or scan the code and log in.

Temporary Guardianship Form - let us know if both parents are going away and leaving a student with a friend, nanny or a maid.


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Transport02 785
Year 5 PTG Rep is Ja

Primary Rep is Amelie Buysschaert

Primary Office02 7852
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year Group Leaders
Miss Miranda Cawley

Ms Julie Kelly

Miss Olivia Clutterbuck

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