Year 5 Newsletter 17-01-20

Living our Values

We are: Inquisitive and Creative

Cultivate Curiosity. If you really want to grow in your lifetime, learn to be as inquisitive as a child. Curious people are never bored, and for them life becomes an unending study of joy. - Tony Robbins

Upcoming Events

Event         Date     LocationWho's Involved
Primary Residential Week 127-01-2020 until 31-01-2020Khao YaiYear 5
Practice ISA Assessments (5W, P, S & B)29-01-2020Year 5 BuildingYear 5
Primary Residential Week 203-02-2020 until 07-02-2020Khao YaiYear 5
Practice ISA Assessments (5K, J, M, & C)05-02-2020Year 5 BuildingYear 5
Term 2 Half Term Break (School Closed)10-02-2020 until 14-02-2020Whole SchoolPatana Community
Primary ISA Assessments Week17-02-2020 until 21-02-2020Primary SchoolYear 5
Fun Day07-03-2020Back Field & Hard CourtPatana Community

Well Being

Fun Day - 7th of March 2020

Newcomers Get Together

Air Quality Information - Helen Thew, Cross Campus Principal

Air Quality levels are posted on our Students’, Parents’ and Staff Firefly Dashboards.

Links to our policies and procedures can be found here.

Air Quality levels are automatically read three times a day: Early morning, 11.00am and 1.30pm.

To further understand what happens when air quality levels reach higher than normal levels, please access the presentation given to parents in November here.

Students may come to school wearing masks but they are not obligated to do so.

With our new pre-cooled, fresh air systems in place, students can then remove their masks when they come into class.



This term's theme for our learning is 'Rainforests'.

If you or someone in your family works within, or has experiences of rainforests and would be happy to share your knowledge with our students we would love to hear from you. PLease contact either or


To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark. —Victor Hugo

Thank you for your ongoing support with reading at home. A reminder that all students should be recording their reading in their journals and bringing them into to school to share with their teachers.

Recording can be as simple as recording the books they have read that week.

PE Term 2

Year 5 start their new Activity blocks from Monday 20th January. Please note the change for Mr Chris and Mr Graham’s classes ,highlighted in yellow.

Please note that during residential weeks, students who are in School will have Teeball for all PE lessons, so please bring football boots, water bottle and a hat in addition to PE kit during this time.

The activity blocks below will continue after we return from Half term.

FOBISIA Short Story Competition

Budding authors needed! Year 5 students are invited to this year's FOBISIA short story competition. This year's theme / title is 'Protect'.

Students should pass their story entries on to Ms Tanya by Monday 17th February, 2020.

Global Citizenship

Chinese New Year

Please note that the Chinese New Year Assembly will take place on Friday January 24th in the Sports Hall from 10am to 11am. 

This is a celebration based on the lunar calendar, which a number of countries in Asia celebrate. 

All students are invited to wear RED, GOLD, Chinese costume or a traditional costume from your child’s home country, that is worn during this celebration. If students prefer not to wear a costume, they should wear their school uniform. 

Parents and friends are invited to watch from the upper gallery area.


We are a Nut free Primary School!

Happy Birthday to these students who are celebrating birthdays over the holidays...

Mahan (5C)
Yutaka [Yu Chan] (5C)
Arjun (5S)
Vichayut [Arthur] (5W)
Ya Fang (5W)

General Information

Primary Cookbook

The books are finally done and ready to pick up.

To anyone who has pre-ordered a book, they are ready to collect.
If you have not yet purchased one, there are still a few copies left.
Donations to the local daycare will be given as soon as all the money is collected!

Laptops for Learning

Useful information of which laptop to buy for Year 6 on the links below and our Laptops for Learning page.

Lost Property

Parents and children are encouraged to search lost property before purchasing replacement items.

Please visit or scan the code and log in.


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Transport02 785
Year 5 Rep
Jacky Baumann

Primary Rep
Jayne Harvey

Primary Office02 7852
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year Group Leaders
Mr David Walton

Ms Julie Kelly

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