Year 5 Newsletter 11-10-19

Living our Values

We are: Motivated & Engaged

"You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” - A.A. Milne/Christopher Robin

Upcoming Events

Event         Date     LocationWho's Involved
King Rama IX Memorial Day in lieu
14-10-2019Whole SchoolPatana Community
Planetarium Visit15-10-2019Bangkok PlanetariumYear 5 Students
Primary 3 Way Conferences16-10-2019Primary SchoolParents
Primary 3 Way Conferences17-10-2019Primary SchoolParents
Year 5 Swimming Gala18-10-201950m PoolPatana Community
Half Term Break21-10-2019 = 27-10-2019Whole SchoolPatana Community
International Day01-11-2019Whole SchoolPatana Community
Book Week & Book Fair04-11-2019 = 08-11-2019Primary LibraryPatana Students
Loy Kratong11-11-2019Whole SchoolPatana Community
Non Fiction Author Visit - Steven Swinburne11-11-2019Primary SchoolPrimary Students
Drop Everything and Read15-11-2019Whole SchoolPatana Students
Whole School Dress Up Day (Reading)29-11-2019Whole SchoolPatana Community


Planetarium Visit

On Tuesday, 15th October, Year 5 will visit the Planetarium. This supports our current learning about space.

We will leave school at 8 a.m. and travel by bus to the Planetarium. We will return between 1 and 2pm.

Students should wear their PE kit and a Patana hat and bring:

- A daypack

- A water bottle

- A maximum of 150Thb to spend in the gift shop

Students on the school lunch programme will be provided with a packed lunch free of charge; all other children must bring a packed lunch from home.

3 Way Conferences

3-Way Conferences on Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th October

These are both normal school days ending at 2:30

Collecting your child before their Conferences

If their Conference starts between 12:50pm and 2:30pm, your child will be waiting for you in the year group holding area (Y5 Multi Purpose Room)

Please collect them from the holding area before your Conference is due to start.

If you have an appointment starting after 2:30, please collect and supervise your child from the end of the day until their Conference time.

There is no after-school supervision as all staff are involved with the Conferences.

You will be able to look at your child’s learning whilst you wait for your Conference to begin.

PE kits

Year 5 students need to bring their PE kits on Wednesday 16th October.

Year 6 students need to bring their PE kits on Thursday 17th October.

ECAs on both Conference Days

There are no regular ECAs on the Conference afternoons.

Only the following 6 Selective ECAs will run on these two days:

- Tigersharks Swim Academy Years 3 to 6

- Gymnastics Academy Years 3 to 6

- Tennis Academy Years 4,5 and 6

- Dutch Years 5 and 6Singapore Mandarin Years 3 to 7

- Danish Years 1 to 6

If in doubt, please contact the ECA provider.

Transport on Conference Days

Students using school transport will automatically be put on their default bus at 2.30pm, unless they have a selective ECA, see above.

If your child will not need to take the bus home on their conference day, please contact or telephone 02 785 2470 and ask to cancel the bus home.

The office is staffed from 6.00am - 6.00pm Monday to Friday.

Year 5 Swimming Gala (Friday 18th of October)

PE Notices

A reminder that Year 6 begin their Athletics block next week (14th October). Please wear Patana PE kit and remember a sunhat!

Football ECA

Calling all footballers for Block 2 ECA's. Please note that there will be a Monday Football ECA for both Boys and Girls from 2.30pm to 4.30pm for our BISAC Season. This will be run by our Primary PE staff and selections for our BISAC teams will be made from this ECA in consultation with the Academy Coaches.

Block 2 ECA sign up opens next Tuesday 15th October.


For any families in Y5 and 6 who may be interested in trying out for our FOBISIA Team who will compete in Phuket in June, please remember to sign up for their relevant year group and gender try out group. Information on the process and expectations can be found by following this link.

Well Being


This term we have been celebrating people who include others whilst learning and playing. By including everyone a huge difference can be made to our every day lives, and have a positive impact on our Well-Being.

Well done to all of those students who have been nominated by their peers so far this term.

Air Quality at Patana

Global Citizenship

Bake Sale

International Day - Country Spotlight

International Day will take place on Friday 1st November.

In the weeks leading up to International Day, our PTG has organised a wide range of Country Spotlights to help students learn more about a specific country or culture.

Unless otherwise stated, all activities will take place next to the Primary Snack Bar during the lunch period.

Week of Oct 7th – Oct 11th

Mongolia Oct 11th Come to the Mongolia Spotlight stand to learn more about their country and culture.

South Africa Oct 11th Learn about South African culture and traditions at the South Africa Spotlight stand today.

Week of Oct 14th – Oct 18th

Germany Oct 15th Celebrate the 30 year anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall at the Germany Spotlight stand.

India Oct 15th Visit the India Spotlight stand to make your own diya, an oil lamp, made of clay, used across India to mark festivals, religious rituals and special occasions. The light of the diya symbolizes knowledge, goodness and purity in Indian culture.

China Oct 16th Learn about ‘Kindness, Luck and Fun’ by making fan shape bookmarks, good luck knot charms and by playing a Chinese shuttle kicking game.


We are a Nut free Primary School!

Happy Birthday this week to...

Mabel (5S)

Lily (5J)

Evie - Grace (5P)

Astra (5J)

Tomi (5M)

Cosmia (5K)

Katia (5C)

General Information

SILC Bazaar

Lost Property

Parents and children are encouraged to search lost property before purchasing replacement items.

Please visit or scan the code and log in.


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Transport02 785
Year 5 Rep
Jacky Baumann

Primary Rep
Jayne Harvey

Primary Office02 7852
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year Group Leaders
Mr David Walton

Ms Julie Kelly

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