Year 4 Newsletter 31.1.20

Living our Values

We are inquisitive and creative

Upcoming Events

Event         Date     LocationWho's Involved
Residential week 2 3.2.20-7.2.20Monday in school and Tuesday-Friday away 4B, 4C, 4H and 4T
Half Term 7.2.20


Monday's 'in school' part of residential is just three sleeps away for 4C, 4H, 4B and 4T.  For Monday's activities, students will need to wear their own clothes (sun safe and sensible shoes) and bring their swimming kit and towels as well as a spare change of clothes.

On the Tuesday morning of departing please send your child to school in their Patana PE kit. The bag drop will be at the front of the school outside the Security Office.


Please encourage your child to assist in the packing of their own bags so they can identify their own belongings. We recommend a soft holdall/duffel bag or small wheelie bag. Storage space on the bus and in the rooms can be tight. All belongings must be clearly labelled.

3 pairs of shorts

Toilet bag (with soap, shampoo, toothpaste,

4-5 T-shirts

toothbrush, comb or hairbrush, face towel)

5 pairs of socks

Sun cream / sunglasses / Hat

5 sets of underwear

Reading book / puzzle book /cards

1 pair of long trousers/jeans

Swimming costume

Sandals or flip-flops

Plastic bag for dirty laundry

Trainers or shoes suitable for activities

2 towels

Shoes to wear in water (e.g. Crocs)

Small backpack for day trips

Change of smart clothes for dinner

Water bottle with carrying strap

Pyjamas / nightdress

Mosquito repellent

Sweatshirt / jumper

Favourite teddy bear for a good night’s sleep!



This is a reminder that Block 3 is scheduled to begin on Monday 24th Feb (there’s a break due to residentials).  The only ECAs that will run in-between ECA Blocks are listed below:

  • Tigersharks Swim Academy Years 3 to 6
  • Gymnastics Academy Years 3 to 6
  • Tennis Academy Years 4, 5 and 6
  • Tigers Dance Company – Juniors (2Hrs) Monday
  • Dutch Year 6
  • Danish Years 1 to 6
  • Singapore Mandarin Years 3 to 6
  • Smile Club CAT (Thursdays)
  • Golf Varsity Team Training (Mondays and Thursdays).  

PE lessons during residential weeks - a message from the Primary PE team

PE lessons will continue during residential weeks for those classes that are in school. There is likely to be a change of teacher, activity or mix of classes taught together whilst we cover those children and teachers who are away on residential.

Therefore, please remember to bring your PE kit to School, including football boots!

Many thanks!

Global Citizenship


To everyone who has ordered a cookbook or is willing to buy one, you can pick up your copy from the primary office for 300 baht.

Don't forget that buying a book will aid the donation we will make to the local Thongbai daycare near our school.
This donation will be given in the following weeks and I will give further information about this in the following newsletters.

Thank you,
Jo 13V


4T Elisa 03-February
4H Porjai 04-February
4C Ishitva [Ishi] 04-February
4K Olivia 05-February
4T Amelia 05-February
4D Aaryan 06-February
4A Henry 10-February
4H Risako [Risa] 10-February
4K Benjamin [Ben] 11-February
4B Teethad [Copter] 13-February
4T Aria [Nikki] 14-February
4K Ronya 14-February
4C Eleanor 17-February

Have a lovely birthday all.  We hope you enjoy celebrating!

General Information

Fun Day- Save the Date

DepartmentContact Number Email 
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 4 Rep
Ja Hemakul

Primary Rep
Jayne Harvey
Year Group Leaders
Ms Kerry Meaden-Kendrick

Ms Dominique Chandler

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