Year 4 Newsletter 29.04.22

Living our Values:

We are Motivated and Engaged

Upcoming Events

EventDateLocationWho's Involved
Staff CPL Day - School Closed02.05.22Whole SchoolSchool Staff
Parent Workshop - Understanding ADHD03.05.22MS TeamsSchool Community
Coronation Day - School Closed04.05.22Whole SchoolSchool Community
Dance Extravaganza06.06.22TheatreWhole School
Online Students End of Year Reports22.06.22Primary SchoolPrimary School


Term 3 Learning - Young Entrepreneurs

On Monday we launched our new theme of learning and the students listened to our teachers' persuasive performances, as they tried to convince the students theirs was the best! What box did they choose? 

The students were then given a normal object and attempted to create a persuasive advert that would sell their item. Head over to the class blogs to read and see more.

Please visit our curriculum pages to find out more about this exciting unit of learning.

>> Year 4 curriculum page <<


This term, we have a theme 'Changing Me' during which your child will be learning more about Relationships and Sex Education.

This video outlines the content and our approach. Please do contact your child's class teacher if you have any questions about this.

Links to the videos shared in the presentation:

Well Being

Online games and in-game purchases

Many of our students play online games with their friends. Sometimes these games offer in-game purchases to improve their avatars or worlds.

These games can create different peer-to-peer pressures and cause arguements both at home and in school.

Please see the information below that offers different advice and tips on how to engage with these games and have conversations about them at home.

General Information

School Uniform Expectations

As we start Term 3, a friendly reminder of our school uniform policy. Please can you ensure your child:

  • has black school shoes
  • ties their hair up if it is longer than shoulder length
  • only wears a school cardigan.

Many thanks for your help and support with this

Snackbar cards and money

Our students have been using the snack bar during breaktimes to grab a healthy snack or drink.

A reminder that students should not bring denominations of money for their snack card greater than 200 Baht at any one time. Larger denominations of money in their possession: 

- Can create pressure and upset if it is accidentally lost. 

- Is difficult for the students to manage, and make sensible choices about how much or what they should eat during breaktimes.


If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher.

We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies or cupcakes. Please remember we are a nut-free Primary School.

Happy Birthday to these students, who are celebrating this week:

Jihoo [Viola] 4A
Renjiro [Renji] 4R
Saesha 4F
Piranun [Nada] 4R
Yawei [Annie] 4R


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 4 Rep
Vanessa Abdala Sales

Primary Rep
Apollo Chansrichawla

Newcomers Rep

Chris Chan Ebrahim

Year Group Leaders
Mr David Walton

Mrs Dominique Chandler

Mr Alex Lowe

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