A note from the Principal
Dear Parents,
I hope you have spotted our new Primary school mural taking shape outside the Year 3 and Year 4 building. This will feature a poem written by our enrichment students and has been commissioned to reflect and celebrate the uniqueness and creativity of our students. We hope it will be completed in the next few weeks!
Do also look out for an article in today’s Patana News reflecting on the successes of the year in terms of progress with our Development Plan goals. We feel it has been a rewarding and productive year and would value your input and feedback via a short end of year survey. Additionally, we extend a warm invitation to Primary parents to join us for an informal coffee morning on Tuesday, 30 May, where we can reconnect and look forward together.
Proud of you Patana!
Sarah McCormack
Upcoming events and dates for your diary
Date | Event | Notes |
22nd May- 2nd June | Matt Dickinson, author visit | |
2nd June | Dress up day- Heroes! | |
5th June | Visakha Bukha Day | |
5th June | Public Holiday | School closed |
8th June | Busking Day | |
15th June | Y4 Interclass Football | |
23rd June | End of Term 3 |
General Information & Wellbeing
A Curriculum Enhanced by Engagement, Motivation and Critical Thinking
Engagement, motivation and critical thinking – how do these contribute to effective learning?
On Tuesday morning, during our Parent Workshop, many parents gathered to learn more about how the significance of these skills impact our learning. When asked about what key skills parents believed their children needed to be successful, there was a clear pattern: empathy, resilience, problem solving. As we dived deeper into the Characteristics of Effective Learning, we found that they encompass and incorporate lots of these skills – and more!
Through different activities, discussions and feedback, we learnt that engagement goes beyond participation; it’s active involvement and a curation of curiosity in the process of learning. Motivation encompasses the ownership and child-led direction of the learning and critical thinking allows children to analyse, evaluate and problem solve independently. All of these skills were on display as our parents took on some activities themselves: creating fractions using Lego, then building a bridge using newspaper and other resources. High levels of engagement, motivation and critical thinking were on display as we saw a huge range of bridges that were strong enough to hold wooden bricks!
Our RSE lessons will continue next week a look at the emotional changes that occur during puberty.
Answering questions about sex and gender
Although sex and gender is not a does not form a major part of our Primary RSE curriculum, students may have questions.
Our view is that genuine questions deserve a response - but the response may need thinking through first.
If a student asks a question in school, we may provide a brief response depending on age and context - or we may suggest that the question is better answered at home.
Definitions of sex and gender can be confusing, so you may find these agreed definitions and responses helpful.
Here is a screencast of the RSE presentation. The videos referenced throughout the screencast are below.
Here are the videos referred to during the presentation:
Here are some suggestions for how to talk with your child .
If you do have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself, sawv@patana.ac.th
Learning In Year 4
Term 3- Young Entrepreneurs
For more information please visit our Year 4 Curriculum Page.
IT- Term 3
This term in IT the children will be learning to code Micro:bit computers using MakeCode.
If you want to have a go at home try the website tutorials and simulator here - Microsoft MakeCode for micro:bit (microbit.org)
Microsoft MakeCode for micro:bit A Blocks / JavaScript code editor for the micro:bit powered by Microsoft MakeCode. makecode.microbit.org |
PE- Term 3
New Year 4 activity blocks for PE starting w/b 15th May 2023
Football: Patana PE kit, football boots, sunhat and
water bottle required. Shin pads and long football socks are strongly
recommended. Please also bring sports shoes in case of adverse weather /
indoor play.
OAA (outdoor and Adventurous Activities): Patana PE kit, sunhat and water bottle required.
Gymnastics: Patana PE kit required. Patana leotards are also allowed but not compulsory.
Department | Contact Number | |
Primary Office | 02 785 2258 | primary@patana.ac.th |
Transport | 02 785 2470 | transport@patana.ac.th |
Primary Nurse | 02 785 2478 02 785 5460 | nurse@patana.ac.th |
ECAs | 02 785 2231 | eca@patana.ac.th |
PTG | Year 4 Rep - Ashmeet Narula ptgy4@patana.ac.th Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla | |
Year Group Leaders | Ms Sarah Weaver sawv@patana.ac.th
doch@patana.ac.th |