Year 4 Newsletter 18.12.20

Living our Values:

We are empowered by our interculturalism

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday to all of our Year 4 Families.

Upcoming Events

EventDateLocationWho's Involved
Term 2 Begins11.01.21Whole SchoolPatana Community
ISA (International School Assessment) Week01.02.21Year 4Year 4 Students
Year 4 Residential Week 115.02.21Hua Hin4W, 4L, 4A, 4K
Half Term Holiday (1 Week)22.02.21Whole SchoolWhole School
Year 4 Residential Week 201.03.21Hua Hin4D, 4F, 4C,4T


Term 1A

Please visit our Curriculum Pages for more information about learning in Year 4.


Well done to all our students who took part in our Personal Challenge Week during PE. It was fantastic to see so many determined runners, scooters, swimmers, skaters, skippers and bouncers trying to collect as many stars as they could!

Please check out the PE blog for more information and photos from the Star and Fitness Challenges.

In Term 2 students will take part in “Try a New Sport” Fortnight, from 10th January-22nd January. 

During these first 2 weeks back, the Primary PE team will offer a range of different and interesting sports for the children to try. Normal PE kit will be required (including hat and water bottle). There will be a water based option of Flippa Ball in the 25m pool, so any child wanting to try this sport, please ensure you bring along your swim kit as well!


Dance Extravaganza 2021

General Information


Happy Birthday to all our students who are celebrating birthdays over the holidays!

Anaaya [Anaaya]

Sebastien [Seba]

Arlyn [Lyn]

Ka Yu [Kaya]

Nicholas [Nick]

Jonah [Jonah]

Kusmitha [Kusmi]

Pidhchada [Naan]


Smart watches, trackers and other wearable technology in school

Many students now wear some kind of smart watch or wearable tracking device to school.

Many more parents now keep a GPS tracker in their child’s bag so that they can check arrival times to and from school. This gives peace of mind without any impact on the child’s independence.

Before equipping your child with a smart watch or other device, please consider whether this is something that your family actually needs. Responsible parenting doesn’t mean knowing where your child is 24/7, and school is a very different environment to a busy shopping mall or transport hub, where a child could more easily become separated from their family.

Once a student has passed through the school gates, they fall under our Duty of Care. Our start and end times are known, and someone will contact you if there is a problem at the end of the day.

Many wearable devices allow for two-way communication with the parent’s smartphone.

Please note that we do not allow Primary aged children to contact their parents during the school day. Our policy restricts the use of mobile phones to those in Y7 and above.

If you do decide to purchase a wearable device for your child, please choose one that allows you sufficient control of any settings and alerts.

  • Choose a model which allows you to turn off any two-way communication function, whether sending messages or making calls.
  • Check whether a device comes pre-loaded with games or other entertainment content which could then become a constant distraction.
  • Be assured that any device that rings, pings or vibrates during the school day will do nothing to support your child’s learning.
  • Find out if device has a Student or Airplane mode which could then become your child’s default setting whilst in school.

No electronic devices on Primary Residentials

We expect that all electronic devices, including trackers and phones, stay at home during your child’s Primary Residential. Please give yourself permission to take a break whilst our wonderful teachers look after your child.


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 4 Rep

Primary Rep
Amelie Buysschaert

Year Group Leaders
Mr David Walton

Mrs Dominique Chandler

Mr Alex Lowe

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