Year 4 newsletter 09.06.23 

We are kind, compassionate and respectful

It has certainly been a busy and exciting week in Year 4! Our online shop has opened and we performed for the crowds at Busking Day.

Also this week, the Year 4 School Council held a bake sale to raise money for our chosen charities, the Mercy Centre and The Good Shepherd Sisters Thailand. 

Lots of yummy cakes, brownies and biscuits were sold and over 4000 baht was raised!

A note from the Principal

This week, we witnessed two inspiring examples of student agency in the Primary school: Busking Day and Year 4 Enterprise Week.

The students showcased their talents and raised funds for charities during our annual Busking Day, creating a vibrant and memorable event for the community. Meanwhile, Year 4 students demonstrated their entrepreneurial skills, displaying creativity, teamwork, and professionalism throughout Enterprise Week.

These experiences exemplify our commitment to empowering students and fostering their holistic development. We truly applaud their accomplishments and thank every body for getting involved!

Sarah McCormack

Year 4- Young Entrepreneurs

Wow! What an incredible start to our online sales!

Year 4 are now hard at work producing, packaging and delivering their wonderful products to you.

Thank you so much for your support so far. 

Please keep buying, as all money goes to our chosen charities. 

Here is a link to our online shop.

Here is the form to make your order

Upcoming events and dates for your diary

12th-16th JuneBook Fair
15th JuneY4 Interclass Football
16th JunePTG farewell to Matt MillsIn the Black Box at 8am
23rd JuneWhole School Assembly
23rd JuneEnd of Term 3

General Information & Wellbeing

Year 4 Interclass Football Event

This will take place during PE lessons (see timings below) on Thursday 15th June, on the Primary Back field. Parents are welcome to attend this final interclass event of the academic year!

4D, 4W, 4N and 4A: 07.40am-08.40am

4F, 4T, 4R and 4H : 08.45am -09.45am

Please remind students to wear their class colour T-shirt or top , with the rest of their Patana PE kit. Sunhats, football boots and water bottles are required. Long socks and shinpads are strongly recommended.

Kind regards,

Primary PE Team

Here is a reminder of the class colours:

Learning In Year 4

Term 3- Young Entrepreneurs 

For more information please visit our Year 4 Curriculum Page.

IT- Term 3

This term in IT the children will be learning to code Micro:bit computers using MakeCode.

If you want to have a go at home try the website tutorials and simulator here - Microsoft MakeCode for micro:bit (

Microsoft MakeCode for micro:bit

A Blocks / JavaScript code editor for the micro:bit powered by Microsoft MakeCode.

                                                         PE- Term 3

New Year 4 activity blocks for PE starting w/b 15th May 2023

Football: Patana PE kit, football boots, sunhat and water bottle required. Shin pads and long football socks are strongly recommended. Please also bring sports shoes in case of adverse weather / indoor play.

OAA (outdoor and Adventurous Activities): Patana PE kit, sunhat and water bottle required.

Gymnastics: Patana PE kit required. Patana leotards are also allowed but not compulsory.


                     These Year 4 student will be celebrating their 
                                        birthdays this week:
                                              Phan, 4F
                                            Cherry, 4A
                                            Wanisa, 4D

                          We wish you a very happy birthday!


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258
Transport02 785 2470
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785 2231
Year 4 Rep - Ashmeet Narula

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla

Year Group Leaders
Ms Sarah Weaver

Ms Dominique Chandler

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